ヨハネ 18:28-40
S: ヨハネ 18:37-38 「真理に属する者はみな、わたしの声に聞き従います。」ピラトはイエスに言った。「真理とは何ですか。」
O: Truth is enormously important, but its very definition is under attack these days. Recent polls show that a majority of Americans, at any rate, now say that there is no such thing as absolute truth. This has been the result of a concerted effort on the part of what was originally a small number of essentially atheistic educators, and it wasn't even noticed by most Bible-believing Christians until it had snowballed. The devil knows the Bible is true, and that's why he attacks it so strongly. After all, it spells out his eventual complete defeat! Jesus' statement is therefore all the more striking: “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.” (The NIV “is on the side of truth” is really watered down from the Greek.) Another side of this issue is the matter of honesty. “White” lies, or as the Japanese call them, “kind” lies, break down the whole concept of Truth, and that too is part of the devil's plan. The English expression, “truth hurts,” can be very accurate, but avoiding truth for the sake of avoiding pain can have severe consequences down the road. Paul's admonition to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15, 25) is of great importance.
O: 真実はとてつもなく重要ですが、その定義は最近とみに攻撃にさらされています。最近の調査では絶対的真理などないと大半のアメリカ人が答えています。少数の無神論教育者がもたらした結果ですが、問題が大きくなるまで、聖書を信じるクリスチャンでさえ気がつきません。悪魔は聖書が真理であることを知っているからこそ、強く攻撃してくるのです。最終的に悪魔は敗北する羽目になるのですが!ですから「誰でも真理に属する者はみな、私の声に聞き従います。」というイエスの言葉が、より重要実を帯びてきます。(NIVで使われている「真理の側」という表現は元のギリシヤ語の意味より弱くなっています。)この節でもう一つ大切なことは正直さに関わることです。「悪気のない」嘘、あるいは日本の「思いやりのある」嘘で、真理の本当の意味は歪曲されています。これもまた悪魔の計画です。英語では「真実は痛みをもたらす」が言いえて妙な表現です。痛みを避けるために真理を避けることは痛烈な結果を生むことになります。「愛をもって真理を語る」(エペソ4:15.25)というパウロの諫めの重要性を痛感させられます。
A: I have the enormous advantage of being raised by a father whose guiding principles included absolute honesty. I have talked with Japanese Christians, even, who were given pause just hearing that statement; “absolute honesty” comes across as a foreign idea. However, that's no reason to back down from it! I must be careful not to forget “in love,” but I also must not back down from speaking the truth. Self-righteousness can be a very big problem in this situation, and I must be on my guard. I've got to be honest with myself and with God as well, and that means recognizing my own weaknesses and failures. If I don't walk in honest humility, the truth that I speak will come across as conceit and condemnation rather than as love.
P: Father, this is a constant challenge for me. Help me place love first, without backing down from truth. Help me love people enough to speak Your truth to them even when it means risking rejection. That fear has kept me from speaking Your truth more times than I like to think about. Help me be a vessel of Your truth and Your love, so that people may be set free for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。これは常に私を襲う難題です。まず、愛を第一義に置き、真理から引き下がることのないように助けてください。たとえ拒絶される危険を孕んでるとしても、あなたの真理を愛を持って語れるように助けてください。恐れのためにあなたの真理を語れずにいるのです。あなたの真理と愛を伝える器となるように助けてください。人々が解放され救われ、あなたのご栄光が輝きますように。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
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