

ヨハネ 6:25-40

S: ヨハネ 6:40 「事実、わたしの父のみこころは、子を見て信じる者がみな永遠のいのちを持つことです。わたしはその人たちをひとりひとり終わりの日によみがえらせます。」

O: Wow! After teaching on the resurrection of the dead Sunday night, this verse really jumps out. It really is interesting that so few churches teach on resurrection; it's almost like they don't believe in it. Heaven is mentioned a great deal in some churches, but even there they don't seem to talk about resurrection much. That seems odd when Jesus Himself is so specific when He says that He will resurrect us. It's also interesting that Jesus is so clear in saying “This is my Father's will.” So many of us get tied in knots over “What is God's will?” when in various places the Bible spells out things that are His will. If we would focus on those, then we would gain understanding about the specific issues we are worried about. Here, Jesus says as plainly as possible that it is God's will to give eternal life to all who will look to Jesus in faith. When we have that assurance, all of our problems start to look much smaller!


A: As a pastor/teacher, my job is to help people look to Jesus more consistently and trust Him more fully. I certainly can't give them eternal life, but God's got that covered! If I will be faithful to communicate the Gospel, God will be faithful to fulfill it. There's a lot of work along the way but nothing to get anxious about, because God is God and Jesus has said He's going to resurrect us on the last day!


P: Father, thank You for all You've been teaching me recently about trusting You and refusing anxiety. Thank You for the growing, settled awareness that not only can I do nothing on my own, the more I relax and trust You, the more easily You can work in, around, and through me to accomplish not simply what I feel I have to do, but far above and beyond that. Thank You for all You enabled us to do yesterday, and for the assurance of all You're going to do through us today. Help me rest and delight in You today and each day, so that You may delight in me. Thank You. Praise God!

P: お父様。あなたを信じ、心配せずともよいと最近、教えてくださいました。有難うございます。私が無力であり、ただあなたに信頼していればよいことを学んでいます。そう確信して、成長していることを感謝します。あなたに信頼するほど、私のなすべき働きが成就し、私の歩みも楽になるのです。昨日のことを感謝します。今日も私たちを通して働いてくださることを感謝します。今日も、そして日々、あなたに頼り、休み、喜んでいるように助けてください。そしてあなたも私の内で喜んで下さるでしょう。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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