ヨハネ 7:14-24
S: ヨハネ 7:17 「だれでも神のみこころを行おうと願うなら、その人には、この教えが神から出たものか、わたしが自分から語っているかがわかります。」
O: So much depends on our attitude! The honest desire and intent to serve God is essential for hearing His voice. This issue is one of the prime hindrances to hearing Him. We say we want Him to speak to us, to guide us, but we aren't committed to doing whatever He says. We say we want to hear from Him, but what we really want is for Him to rubber stamp whatever we want or have decided. We can't seem to get away from trying to run our own lives. That's why the central point in Joy Dawson's teaching on prayer is also the most difficult: to die to whatever issue you are praying about. When we really relinquish control, God is more than willing to guide us in the very best way. Unfortunately, all too often, when we discover that what God has planned doesn't agree with what we had thought, we snatch it back in order to “do our own thing.” I'm reminded of the Israelites going to Egypt after the assassination of Gedaliah, even though they came to Jeremiah and said they would do whatever God spoke through him, and he told them clearly they were not to go. (Jeremiah 41-42)
O: 私たちの態度が問題なのです。神様を心から望み求め、使えることは神様の声を聞くための大切な要素です。これができていないと神様からの語りかけを聞く大きな妨げとなります。神様に語ってほしい、導いてほしい、と望みながらも、実際は神様に従っていません。神の声を望みながら、実際私たちのしていることはお定まりのことばかりです。人というものは自分で生き方を制御する欲求から逃れられないようです。Joy Dawson'の祈りについての中心的な教えが続いているのは、そのためです。自己の人生の制御をやめた時こそ、神様は最良の方法で導いてくださいます。神様の御計画が私たちの思っていたものとは違うこともしばしばです。そして、「自分でやるのだ」と意を決してしまいます。ゲダルヤ殺害の後のイスラエル人のエジプト行きを思い出します。エレミヤを訪ね、主の御言葉通りに行うと言ったイスラエル人のことです。エレミヤは彼らに留まるように告げました。(エレミヤ41~42)
A: I've certainly had my struggles in this area, even though God's plans are always better than mine. Likewise, I see this tendency in just about everyone around me; we don't hear God because we aren't really committed to obeying Him. I'm not to condemn people because of this, but I am to strive to help them understand the foolishness of it. I had some success in that a few weeks ago when I was talking with K, when his emotions were pushing him to quit his job. He got over that, and is glad now that he didn't let his emotions rule. I need to work to help people understand that the key to hearing God is the commitment to obey Him, made firmly before we hear what He has to say.
P: Father, I've gotten myself into trouble so many times by doing my own thing instead of really listening to You, and it is painful to see others doing the same thing. I ask for Your grace, Your anointing, Your words and Your power to help them open their eyes to what is going on and make the commitment to obey You whatever You say. Sometimes they won't hear Your voice because You're speaking through me. I forgive them for that, and I ask Your grace and mercy for them. Help us be a body that is genuinely committed to You, expressed in prayer and obedience, so that all of Your plans for us may be fulfilled for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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