使徒 12:1-17
S: 使徒 12:15-16 彼らは、「あなたは気が狂っているのだ」と言ったが、彼女はほんとうだと言い張った。そこで彼らは、「それは彼の御使いだ」と言っていた。しかし、ペテロはたたき続けていた。彼らが門をあけると、そこにペテロがいたので、非常に驚いた。
O: I have always loved this story because of the humor in it, but at the same time it is something of a pathetic picture of how unbelieving the majority of Christians are when they pray. These people had been in an earnest prayer meeting for Peter's deliverance, but when he showed up, they flat couldn't believe it. Probably they had been praying for things like Herod to have a change of heart, which would certainly have been miraculous, but it wasn't what God had in mind. We are so prone to map out scenarios for God to follow, and then when He does something even better, we can't believe it or we won't accept it. God almost always has a better idea than we can imagine, and we need to submit ourselves to His judgment. Often, His plan will seem hard or undesirable at first, but the end result is always far beyond anything we could plan.
A: I've had my problems with this too. I hope I never forget the word the Lord spoke in a little prayer meeting probably about 20 years ago, now that I think about it. He said, “Don't be amazed at what amazes others. Expect Me to do remarkable things.” I need to walk in that more fully! I have tended to look at people or events and think, this is going to meet my need/answer my problem, when God had something else in mind. I need to learn what it is to pray, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, from my heart and not just from my mouth. Only then will I be able to recognize what God is doing and participate fully in it, rather than being an obstacle God has to get around. He certainly can get around me, but I'd much rather He use me!
P: Father, thank You for having infinitely better plans than I could ever come up with. Keep me from using that as an excuse not to plan, but help me always to acknowledge Your Lordship in my thinking and acting. Help me indeed expect remarkable things of You, without trying to dictate to You what they should be. You do tell me to ask, seek, and knock; help me do so without shutting my eyes to Your better idea. May all of Your plans for my life and for this church be fulfilled, on Your schedule and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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