使徒 15:1-21
S: 使徒 15:19 「そこで、私の判断では、神に立ち返る異邦人を悩ませてはいけません。」
O: This Jerusalem Council was vitally important to the early Church, and by extension to the Church ever since. Legalism is in a sense the easy way out, because it substitutes rules for radical obedience to God, all the while appearing very pious. It was God's gracious plan that Peter and James, the leaders in Jerusalem at the time, sided strongly with Paul and Barnabas on the issue. The particular point that James brings up in this verse is very important: since we are saved by grace through faith, it is wrong to put up hurdles in the path of those who are seeking God. For example, classes to teach new believers about the basics of faith and life in Christ are good, but to say they are requisite for salvation is wrong.
A: This is an issue I'm squarely in the middle of. I have baptized some people without clarifying their repentance, and I have dropped the ball with some others in terms of teaching them after their baptism, but I cannot make organizational rules the standard for entry into the Body of Christ. That happengs by grace through faith, and my job is to encourage and not to get in the way. There are those who feel H is being baptized too soon, but you don't demand maturity of an infant. If she is made to feel the way is littered with hurdles, she could hardly be expected to try to get her friends to join her in the journey! I must be faithful in seeing to it that she gets the instruction and training she needs from this point. This will be an opportunity to train others in administering such training and guidance.
A: 今、まさにこの問題のまっただ中にいます。私は、明らかな悔い改めを確認できないまま、バプテスマを授けた人が数人います。バプテスマを授けた後で彼らに教えたという失敗もあります。キリストの体を作るための基準、規則を組織立てることはできません。それは信仰による恵みに他ならないからです。私の仕事は、ただ奨励し、妨げにならないようにするだけです。Hさんのバプテスマが早すぎると感じる人がいますが、幼子の成熟を見守らない人がいるでしょうか。困難ばかりを見せつけられたなら、彼女の友人たちもキリストを知る人生に加われないでしょう。Hさんが指導と訓練を受けていくことを心から見守っていきたいと思います。これは、他の信者が訓練や指導を学ぶ良い機会になることでしょう。
P: Father, thank You indeed that we will be having a baptism tomorrow. I pray not only for H, but for S and F, who are sitting on the fence. I pray that this would be a strong push from You to bring them to commitment. May this be a time of renewal of commitment for every believer, particularly as You are leading us to focus on our purpose as a church. I pray that P and I would have unity on every level as we plan and work toward H's education and training in faith and Christian living. I pray that the Sunday night services from here on out would be powerfully used by Your Spirit for that purpose, not just for H but for many. Thank You for Your plan that I'm leaving here the day after the baptism. I pray that in the time I'm gone, the church would stand up and be the Church indeed, not only for H's sake but for the whole body of Christ, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。明日はバプテスマがあります。Hさんのためだけでなく、まだ日和見状態のS さん、Fさんのためにも祈ります。Hさんのバプテスマによって、彼らがあなたへの献身と向かさせる原動力になりますように。信者にとっても、新たな献身を生むものとなりますように。とりわけ、あなたは私たちの目的を教会におくように導いておられのですから。Hさんにクリスチャンライフを教え、信仰の訓練をするためのどんな点でもPと私が一致して計画できるように祈ります。日曜夕拝がこれからあなたの御霊によって力強くなされるように祈ります。ただHさんのためだけでなく、多くの人のためにです。バプテスマが終わってから、アメリカに行けることを感謝します。私の留守の間、教会が立ち上がり、ますます真の教会となりますように。ただHさんのためだけでなく、キリストの体全体のための教会となれますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
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