

使徒 26:1-23

S: Acts 26:20 「ダマスコにいる人々をはじめエルサレムにいる人々に、またユダヤの全地方に、さらに異邦人にまで、悔い改めて神に立ち返り、悔い改めにふさわしい行いをするようにと宣べ伝えてきたのです。」

O: Perhaps Paul had heard or read a report of the Great Commission by this point in his life, but that is by no means certain. What is clear is that he had dedicated his life to the Lord who spoke that commission. There is also a clear link to the preaching of John the Baptist, in speaking of “works appropriate to repentance.” (Matthew 3:8) In a sense there was nothing new or unusual in what Paul preached, but it was revolutionary for those who had not previously heard. This is still our message today, but unfortunately it has been badly distorted in many circles into a man-centered, whatever-makes-me-feel-good sort of quasi-Christianity that has the name but not the power. Paul told Timothy to have nothing to do with such people. (2 Timothy 3:5) The minute we get away from demonstrated repentance, we have abandoned the Gospel. Far too many preachers will do what­ever they think will fill their pews and their pockets, and so abandon the Savior they claim. Paul stuck to the pure Gospel, even though it meant persecution, imprisonment, and eventual martyrdom, and there is no question that he is enjoying his reward right now in eternity. Those who try to take shortcuts, who look for the “easy out,” will find themselves on the wrong end of the scene Jesus described in Matthew 7:21-23.

O: 定かではありませんが、恐らくパウロはこの時点で、大宣教命の知らせを読むか、聞くかしていたのでしょう。命令を下した主に、パウロは人生を捧げたことは確かです。「悔い改めにふさわしい実を結びなさい」(マタイ3:8)とありますが、バプテスマのヨハネの教えとも関連があるところです。ある意味で、パウロの教えていることは、さして新しいことでも、それまでの教えと違っていたわけではありませんが、初めて耳にする人にとっては大変革命的な教えだったことでしょう。これは現在でも言えることです。人間中心で、快適さを求め、名ばかりで力のない偽クリスチャンのいるひどく歪んだ集まりが多くあります。残念なことです。パウロはテモテに「こういう人たちを避けなさい」(2テモテ3:5)と教えています。悔い改めから離れた途端、福音からも遠ざかっています。あまりにも多くの説教者が、ただ信者の数と収入のことばかりを考えて行動しています。彼らは自分たちの主張する救い主のことさえ忘れてしまっています。迫害、入牢、そして最終的には殉教をものともせず、パウロは純粋に福音を伝えました。パウロは今、その労苦の報酬を楽しんでいるに違いありません。「たやすい道」を探し、近道をしたがる人たちは、マタイ7:21~23でイエスが教えているのとは、違う方向にいるのに気付くでしょう。

A: Considering the small size of my church, many people might assume I have nothing to worry about in this area. However, I have failed more times than I like to think about in failing to emphasize repentance and producing fruit appropriately. I too like to baptize people, to increase the numbers however I can, and that can be a trap and a snare. I need to keep my own repentance active and up-to-date, and I need to lead the believers to do likewise. That's not to say that I'm to be beating them over the head constantly; I am called to nurture and encourage the sheep. However, I must not put bandaids on deep wounds or casually dismiss sin of any sort. I need to let the loving light of the Holy Spirit shine on every part of me and offer myself as a “fiber optic” to direct that light on those to whom I minister.

A: 私の教会は小さい規模なので、上に述べたような心配事とは無縁だと多くの人が思っておられるかもしれません。私は、悔い改めと正しい実を結ぶことを強調していますが、沢山の失敗をしてきました。私も、ますます多くの人にバプテスマを受けてほしいと思っていますが、それも罠が仕掛けられることがあります。私も悔い改めと日々アップデートし、信者にも同様にしてほしいと望んでいます。それも頭ごなしの指導はよくありません。私には教会の群れを育て、励ますように召しを受けています。しかし、深い傷に応急手当しかしなかったり、あるいはどんな罪でも見落とすことのないように気をつけていたいと思います。私のあらゆる部分を愛ある聖霊様に光を照らしていただき、「光ファイバー」のようにミニストリーで光を当てていきたたいのです。

P: Father, thank You for Your all-sufficient grace. Thank You for bringing Cathy and me safely this far on our trip, almost half-way at this point. Thank You that for the next few days I'll have a place and the privacy to have real devotional times with You. Thank You for this head cold, and for allowing me to function in spite of it. I pray that I would not pass it on to anyone else. I pray that all of my interactions would be channels of Your blessing to hose I'm with, and that my life would bear rich fruit during this time, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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