ローマ 8:1-17
S: ローマ 8:5 肉に従うものは肉的なことをもっぱら考えますが、御霊に従う者は御霊に属することをひたすら考えます。
O: For once, the Japanese is much more compact than the English! In either language, this is a hard-hitting verse. (Actually, every verse in this whole reading is rich indeed, and is fully underlined in both languages in my Bible.) This verse expresses what can and should be a self-check to be done frequently to help keep us in line with the Lord: what are we thinking about? The battleground is fundamentally in our minds. There is a verse in Proverbs that is traditionally translated “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” That can be misinterpreted, but it's certainly not wrong. If we are continually thinking about how to please the flesh, we will certainly not be walking in obedience to God! Hedonism could even be said to be the dominant “religion” of the developed world. The Bible is very clear, here and elsewhere, as to where hedonism will get you!
A: Again I come back to how hedonistic US society has become. The media, the advertising, everything urges people to “bless the flesh,” so to speak. Those with spiritual discernment have got to stand firm against that, consciously directing their thoughts to the things of God. I am just as susceptible as the next person, so I must not preach to others and then fall flat myself. I need to meditate on the Word and make use of idle moments to pray, rather than letting my mind wander in the directions the devil and the world try to pull me. That applies to anxiety as well; dwelling on the evil that might happen is faith-destroying, and certainly doesn't please or honor God. My goal should be a thought-life that neither grieves nor quenches the Holy Spirit. When I have that, He will be free to do in and through me all that the Father desires.
A: アメリカ社会がひどく快楽的になり、マスコミ、宣伝、全てが、まるで「肉に祝福」するかのように、けしかけています。霊的悟りを持っている人ならば、それらに正しく立ち向かい、意識して思いを神へと向けることでしょう。私も、また人と同じように影響を受けやすいので、人に説教することはやめておきます。きっと失敗するでしょうから。ただ、御言葉を熟考し、空いた時間を祈りにあてたいと思います。心を悪魔の望む方向に向けたり、世に引き込まれたりしないよう気をつけていたいのです。これは心配事にも言えることです。邪悪なことに思いを馳せると、信仰が崩れてしまいます。それでは神様は喜ばれませんし、栄誉も帰せられません。私のゴールは思慮深い生き方であり、嘆いたり、聖霊様を抑えたりするものであってはいけません。そうできた時、御父の御心が、私のうちに、あるいは私を通して成され、解放があるでしょう。
P: Father, thank You for this reminder this morning. It certainly isn't new revelation, but I've got a good way to go in living it out consistently. Help me indeed set my mind on things above, on things of the Spirit, even as Paul admonishes in several passages, so that I will not be led astray by the wiles of the enemy but will walk continually in Your holiness, peace and joy, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様、今朝、このことに気づかせてくださり有難うございます。以前にも気付かせていただいたことですが、常に御霊に従うという良い生き方をしていたいと思います。上に書いたことに、聖霊様に、さらにはパウロが幾つかの箇所で教えていることに、心を留めるように助けてください。敵の策略に騙され、道から外れることなく、あなたの聖さ、平安、喜びをたゆまず歩けますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
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