使徒 18:23-28
S: 使徒 18:25 この人は、主の道の教えを受け、霊に燃えて、イエスのことを正確に語り、また教えていたが、ただヨハネのバプテスマしか知らなかった。
O: This passage is often used as a “proof text” by Pentecostals, but that doesn't make it any less valid. The point is that someone can know and love Jesus quite sufficiently for salvation without knowing anything about the Holy Spirit. Actually it goes beyond that, because it establishes the general principle that you don't have to know everything about the Lord to be pleasing and useful to him. At the same time, it also points out that someone who is genuinely committed to the Lord is going to welcome new information about and understanding of Him. I come back to my father's trademark phrase, which was quoted to me again on Monday: “Give all you know of yourself to all you know of Christ.” Anyone who has stagnated in their knowledge of God has also stagnated in their fellowship with Him.
O: この節はペンタコステ派の人が「証明」のために、よく用いる箇所です。正しいことが述べてあります。イエスを知り、愛しているならば、聖霊を知らずとも、それで救いには十分です。実はそれ以上です。主を喜ばせるためには主の全てを必ずしも知らなくともよい、という基本的なことを教えています。主に心から献身するならば、主に関する新しい知識を進んで受け入れることもこの節は示しています。私の父がよく言っていた言葉、「分かっているだけの自分を分かっただけのキリストに捧げる」が月曜に引用されました。神に対する知識が澱んでいる人は神との交わりにおいても澱んでいます。
A: This is actually a real issue with me: because I have been blessed with such an abundant knowledge about God, I am tempted to think that equates with knowledge of Him. I've got to remember that love for God (without which there can be no real knowledge of Him) is going to generate obedience. (John 14:15) Just as my love for Cathy has grown over the past 40 years, almost to the point that I feel I could hardly have loved her at all at first, even so my love for God must continue to grow and mature until it is made perfect in His presence. That's one of my real anticipations of heaven that makes no sense to a lot of people: in heaven my love and obedience are going to be perfect, and I want that very much.
P: Father, thank You for Your great grace toward me. Thank You for leading me into growing knowledge about and of You, and for Your patience with my stumbling. Help me be equally patient with others, gently but firmly leading them into greater knowledge of You. Their level of fellowship with You is between them and You, but I can be a resource person, like Priscilla and Aquila were for Apollos. Help me equip and liberate people in their giftings and callings, so that they and the Body of Christ may be built up for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!P:
P: お父様。私への大きな恵みを感謝します。あなたへの知識がますます深まっていること、私の躓きに対するあなたの忍耐を感謝します。私が他の人にも同じように忍耐強くありますように。優しく、そしてしっかりとあなたへと導けますように。彼らの知識が深まりますように。彼らとあなたの交わりは、あなたと彼らの関係そのものですが、私も役立ちたいのです。彼らの賜物と召しのために、彼らを解放し用いられるようにしてあげたいのです。キリストの体が建て上げられますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
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