

ローマ 12:1-8

S: ローマ 12:4-5 一つのからだには多くの器官があって、すべての器官が同じ働きはしないと同じように、大ぜいいる私たちも、キリストにあって一つのからだであり、ひとりひとり互いに器官なのです。

O: Paul pounds this principle home in 1 Corinthians 12, and it's a very important one. The NIV puts an important nuance in this passage by saying we “belong to” each other, while the Japanese uses the more literal “members of” one another. My feet belong to my liver, which belongs to my brain, which belongs to my skin, etc. We cannot say we don't need each other, and we cannot say we don't have responsibility toward one another. This principle has been abused by pastors who think, act as if, and even say that the people in their flock belong to them, but that is a complete misrepresentation of what Paul is talking about. The pastor belongs to the flock at least as much as the flock belongs to him – actually, even more, because the flock, the Church, belongs to Christ. The point is that we are interrelated and essential to one another. When we forget that, all sorts of problems arise.


A: I was unfortunately slow to realize how much I need other Christians, and Shinsei no Sato has suffered as a result. I need to project the reality that I indeed need each member of the flock, or they will feel peripheral and uncommitted. This period of our absence was probably very good for that, but I must be careful to express appreciation to each person and not just those who handled the program. We need to keep growing as a whole as a part of the Body of Christ, and not as “Jack and Cathy's church,” as so many think of us.

A: 私にとってどれほど他のクリスチャンの方が必要であるか、気付くのに時間がかかりました。その結果、新生の里は苦しんでいます。各メンバーを互いに必要としているという事実をみんなに示し知ってもらいたいと思います。さもなくば、彼らは自分たちが重要でなく、献身しなくなるでしょう。今回の私たち夫婦の不在が良い方に作用するしてくれるかもしれません。プログラムに参加していない信者にも感謝の意を示していこうと思っています。キリストの体全体の一部として互いに成長し合わねばなりませんので。「ジャックとキャシーの教会」ではなく、多くの人の教会であるべきなのですから。

P: Father, thank You for Your grace, and for Your plan. You have accomplished things on this trip that we hadn't expected, and far more than we yet realize, I'm sure. Help us recover from the exhaustion and the jet-lag, and help us keep moving forward in all that You plan and desire for us, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!

P: お父様。あなたの恵みと御計画を有難うございます。この旅で、私たちが予期していなかったこと、あるいは気付いている以上のことを、あなたは成し遂げてくださいました。疲労と時差ぼけから早く回復するよう助けてください。あなたの御計画にそって働き、前進し続けますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!

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