使徒 15:22-35
S: 使徒 15:35 パウロとバルナバはアンテオケにとどまって、ほかの多くの人々とともに、主のみことばを教え、宣べ伝えた。
O: Plurality of leadership was the norm in the early Church, quite in contrast to most churches today. It wasn't a democracy, exactly, because care was taken to recognize those God had called and anointed, but neither was it a dictatorship. Probably very few churches today operate fully in this kind of church government. There is no room for pride, because everyone is equally submitted to the Holy Spirit. When this happens, the Holy Spirit is free to do all the Father's will in and through that congregation. Disputes do arise, as happened with the Judaizers, resulting in the Council of Jerusalem that has just happened in this passage, and between Paul and Barnabas and even between Paul and Peter, as recorded elsewhere, but the resolution of such conflicts is not up to a single human leader or decided by a popular vote; the Holy Spirit is in charge.
O: 指導者の多元性は初期の教会において、当然の基準でした。現在の教会とは大きく異なっていますね。もちろん、当時の在り方は民主的なものではなく、神様の召しと油注ぎに重きが置かれていました。しかし、それも決して独裁的な在り方でもありませんでした。恐らく、今日の教会で、当時のやり方をしている所は、まずないでしょう。全ての人が等しく神に従っているのですから、プライドがあってはいけません。プライドなき従順がある所なら、聖霊が御父の御心を行ってくださり、教会でもそれがなされます。反目が起こるでしょう。ちょうどこの説に出ているように、エルサレム議会に持ち越されたユダヤの論争のようなことがあるでしょう。そこでは、パウロとバルナバ、あるいはパウロとペテロの間のことまで記されています。それでもやはり、そうした反目の結果を決めるのは、一人の指導者や、多数決によるのではなく、聖霊様なのです。
A: This is what I have desired for this church, but various things have gotten in the way, not least of which being my pride. We now have a functioning group of elders, meaning people who are capable to teach and preach alongside me, and that is a major advance. I need to nurture them and teach them but not hold them back, not letting pride get in the way of what God is doing here. We need to be careful not to split into different groups, but rather stay fully interconnected out of our mutual dependence on the Holy Spirit.
P: Father, You are doing good things here. Thank You that I don't have to be anxious about how the church will fare in my absence. There is a great deal going on today, both here and at the Baptist church. I pray that Your perfect will would be done in every detail, with Your Word spoken in the pulpit and out of it and Your love expressed in every interaction, so that the Body of Christ may be built up and a powerful testimony expressed to all who are not yet part of that Body, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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