使徒 11:19-26
S: 使徒 11:23 彼はそこに到着したとき、神の恵みを見て喜び、みなが心を堅く保ち、常に主にとどまっているようにと励ました。
O: True to his gifting and his nickname, Barnabas encouraged the believers! That in itself is interesting, but it's even more interesting that when he arrived in Antioch, Barnabas saw the evidence of changed lives in the Gentile believers, and so didn't doubt their salvation. The sentence I just wrote might seem strange at first glance, because Barnabas had not known these people before, so how could he have known their lives were changed? The point is, someone who is in Christ is going to be manifesting the fruit of the Spirit; they're going to look and act and “smell like” Christ. However, Barnabas was well aware of human weakness, which is why he encouraged them to keep their hearts firm and abide in the Lord continuously. The devil is always on the lookout to trip us up, so Barnabas' encouragement applies to every Christian today.
O: まさに賜物と呼び名に相応しくバルナバは信者たちを励ましました。それ自体、興味深いことですが、もっと興味深いのは、バルナバがアンテオケに着いたとき、異教徒の信者たちのの変化に気づき、彼らの救いを確信したことです。今、私が書いた文章は、一見奇妙に感じるかもしれません。バルナバは彼らと以前に面識がありません。なのに、どうして彼らの変化が分かったというのでしょうか?それは、こうです。キリストのうちにあるなら、御霊の実を結び、キリストの「香りを放ち」、そのように振る舞えるのです。しかし、バルナバは人間の弱さを十分、知っていました。だからこそ、彼らが心を堅く保ち、常に主に留まっているように励ましたのです。悪魔はいつでも私たちを躓かせようとしています。ですから、バルナバの励ましは、今でもクリスチャンが守っておくべき教えです。
A: I have a lot to learn from Barnabas. My gift mix tends toward perfectionism, and I sometimes fail to reward incremental progress. I have hurt people by focusing only on how they could improve, instead of including praise for how far they have come. I'm not to abandon my standards, for myself or for anyone else, but I must abandon a critical spirit that fails to encourage. I need to remember how much I need and appreciate praise and encouragement at times, and treat others even as I like to be treated.
P: Father, I've got a lot of room to grow here. Help me recognize and make use of opportunities for encouragement, so that the believers may be built up. Encouragement needs to be a regular pattern, so that it doesn't seem artificial or forced, and that's an area where I need a lot of help. I pray that I wouldn't be limited by how I have been, but rather let You transform me into what I should be, so that the Body of Christ may be built up for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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