

ローマ 10:1-15

S: ローマ 10:9 なぜなら、もしあなたの口でイエスを主と告白し、あなたの心で神はイエスを死者の中からよみがえらせてくださったと信じるなら、あなたは救われるのです。

O: The audacious simplicity of the Gospel! We try to tack all sorts of things onto this, but this is what it boils down to. Of course, it takes a lifetime to explore all the implications of this and many people fall short, especially in the area of confessing Jesus as Lord. We have very little appreciation for all this meant when Paul wrote it, and what it should mean today. Jesus famously said, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and don't do what I say?” (Luke 6:46) In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) Jesus explicitly said that we are to teach people to obey everything He has commanded; lip service alone doesn't cut it. However, a lifetime of faithful obedience is evidence of salvation, not a requirement for receiving it. The other half of this is believing God raised Jesus from the dead. Without that faith there can be no salvation, and plenty of people choke on this point. I think the reason God set it up this way is that it is just as preposterous that God could and would save any one of us as it is that He would raise someone from the dead after they had been crucified and then had their heart run through by a spear! We like to think that it should be no big deal for God to excuse our sins, not realizing that “excuse” isn't in His vocabulary! Receiving salvation requires believing that we are hopeless without it, but that God has made it available to us. Pride is the big obstacle here.

O: 何と単純にして大胆な福音なのでしょう!私たちは全てのことをこの御言葉に凝縮しようとしますが、実際、これが究極に要約された内容です。もちろん、この御言葉を探求しようとしても、多くの人は到達できないでしょう。特にイエスを主と告白する点において。パウロが書いているこの内容が今日どういう意味を持っているのかを、私たちは殆ど分かっていません。イエスの言った有名な言葉に、「なぜ私を『主よ、主よ』と呼びながら、わたしの言うことを聞かないのですか」(ルカ6:46)があります。さらにマタイ28:18~20で、イエスははっきりと「イエスが命じておいた全てのことを守るように、彼らを教えなさい」と言われました。イエスは命令されたのです。口先だけで従ってもうまくいきません。しかし、終生を通して誠実な信仰を持つなら、それは救いを求めるものではなく、救いの証明へとなります。十字架に架けられ死者の中から蘇るという不合理な方法を神様はわざ、とられたのだと思います。神様が人間の罪を容赦するのは、簡単なことだと私たちは思いがちです。救いを得るには救いなしには絶望しかないことを、まず知ることです。しかし、なお神様は救いを与えてくださるお方です。この場合も、プライドこそが大きな妨げとなっているのです。

A: I continue to grow in my understanding of and appreciation for the simultaneous simplicity and complexity of salvation. It cuts to the core of who we are, because it expresses the core of who God is. He is absolutely holy and just, and He is love. Nothing else expresses all of that, and our finite minds have great difficulty comprehending it. I am called to express it to the Japanese people, who have next to no cultural foundation for understanding it, but that is no reason for despair. If I could do it in my own strength, God would not get the glory! I need to walk in constant, humble obedience, acting with consummate boldness when God tells me to, with full assurance that He will act, but never for a moment thinking I can accomplish anything in my own wisdom and strength. I must stand firm against those who would attach various extra-Biblical cditions to salvation, and I must dedicate myself to leading those who have been saved into full discipleship.


P: Father, thank You for Your plan of salvation. Thank You for the incredible privilege of sharing it. Help me do so with increasing effectiveness, raising up an army of disciples for You, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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