ローマ 3:19-31
S: ローマ 3:20 なぜなら、律法を行うことによっては、だれひとり神の前で義と認められないからです。律法によっては、かえって罪の意識が生じるのです。
O: The law is valuable indeed, because we need to know and understand that we are sinners. Otherwise, we tend to think, stupidly enough, that we are self-sufficient and don't need God. The devil has been trying over the millennia to remove the concepts of responsibility and guilt from human consciousness, and he's never been more successful than today. Modern “psychology” works overtime to shift blame from the individual, with a resulting precipitous decline in morals and ethics. Anything that hints of an overruling divine law is vigorously attacked as “legalistic” and therefore unworthy of consideration. I will always remember that evangelist years ago who told me that his job was simply helping people understand they were lost, so they would turn to God to save them. Salvation requires both the awareness of sin (felt need) and faith in God's grace (supply).
A: I find myself wanting opportunities to speak to some of my relatives privately, to help them understand that Daddy's coattails won't get them into heaven. I need to be sure they know that God's grace is indeed big enough for everything they have done, but they must also know that the smallest fraction of what they have done is enough to keep them from heaven apart from God's grace. That is of course the message I preach in Japan as well, but here I'm dealing with people who should have some foundation for that understanding. I find myself increasingly angry at the lies of the devil, and the veil he seems to have over almost everyone's eyes. Even people who should have clear spiritual vision seem oblivious to what is going on around them. The only potential pulpit time I will have here will be at the church I pastored 30 years ago, but even if I get the time, they won't be expecting a sermon. I've got to be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit (surprise!) to know what to say when, how, and to whom, so that people's eyes may be opened they be set free by the truth.
A: 私は親戚の幾人かに個人的に話す機会を得たいと望んでいることに気がつきました。たなぼたで天に入ることはできないのだと、彼らに知ってほしいのです。彼らのどんな行いよりも、神様の恵みがはるかに大きいことを彼らが知っていることを、私は確信したいのです。そしてどんな小さな行いでも、神様の恵みから離れ、天の御国から遠ざかることを彼らに知ってほしいのです。もちろん、これは日本でも教えていることですが、ここアメリカでも私の関わる人たちに知ってほしいのです。彼らは基本的な理解は持っているはずなのですから。悪魔の嘘と、殆ど全ての人々の目を覆っているヴェールに、私はますます怒りを感じています。はっきりとした霊的ヴィジョンを持っているはずの人でさえ、自分たちの周りで起こっていることに気がつかないでいるようです。今回、アメリカで唯一、説教できる可能性のあるのは、私が30年前に牧師をしていた教会ですが、仮に私がその教会まで行けたとしても、彼らは私の説教を期待していないでしょう。何を、いつ、どのように、誰に話すか、聖霊様(驚きです!)に従い耳を澄ましていたいと思います。それによって、人々の目が開かれ、真実によって自由へと解放されますように。
P: Father, I am increasingly disturbed by all I see here. Thank You that there are some people with spiritual eyesight, like the pastor I talked to yesterday, but he's really weary of the battle. I ask Your strength and courage for him and for all who love You more than the world. I ask Your grace and mercy on this nation that has long proclaimed Your name and now seems determined to rub it in the mud. I ask for Your return, Lord Jesus, but at the same time I know that will close the age of grace, and I long for more to be saved. It is too big for me to begin to understand it all, so I come back to praying that Your name be glorified, Your kingdom come, and Your will be done. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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