

第1コリント 14:12 あなたがたの場合は同様です。あなたがたは御霊の賜物を熱心に求めているのですから、教会の徳を 高めるために、それが豊かに与えられるよう、熱心に求めなさい。

The thing that strikes me immediately from this verse is that very few Japanese churches could be described this way. The whole concept of spiritual gifts seems to have great difficulty taking root. In Japanese society, it is seen as impolite or conceited even to acknowledge that you are gifted in ways other people might not be, and the idea of actively seeking after gifts that wouldn't be the same for everyone is almost repulsive. That is a ploy of the devil, and it has been sadly effective. As a result, churches aren't built up, and they drag along with very little effectiveness. We seem to have great difficulty grasping that God's love and grace can be equal for different individuals without being the same. This is part of what I mean in saying that when Japanese Christians wake up to who they are in Christ, the nation and the world will be changed. To this point, Japanese society has not been kind to the exceptional, in any area. “The piling that sticks up gets hammered down” is all too famous as a Japanese saying. That is why Japan was very slow to accept handicapped people into general society. They have made great strides in that area in recent years, but accepting and utilizing gifting hasn't caught up, particularly in the Church. Paul tells us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts!


I have taught on spiritual gifts, but certainly not enough. I haven't wanted to seem like a “Charismaniac!” However, that has left this church no better off than other Japanese churches. I need sensitivity and guidance from the Holy Spirit as to how to get through to people past their various preconceptions. There are those who are indeed leery of Charismania, and there are those who think it hubris to seek gifts and abilities from God. I have to pastor both! However, skirting the issue helps neither, and it deprives us of tools God wants us to have. I need to help everyone in the church understand the grace that is the foundation for everything God gives us, so that their fears may be dissipated and their hearts encouraged to take hold of all God offers to us.


Father, thank You for bringing this up at this time, and for the message You are building in me even as I write. Help me hear you accurately and be faithful in my obedience, so that I may speak Your truth in Your love to produce Your results for Your glory. May we indeed be transformed into the likeness of Your Son, so that we may be powerful in destroying the works of the devil and bringing many into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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