

ガラテヤ 2:21 私は神の恵みを無にはしません。 もし義が律法によって得られるとしたら、それこそキリストの死は無意味です。

Believers through the centuries have been blessed by the fact that the Galatian believers were temporarily caught in a legalistic trap, because their problems caused Paul to write this letter. Legalism has continued to be a problem, but at least we have clear, unequivocal Scripture to refute it! Sad to say, essentially well-meaning people have “made God's grace as nothing” time and again over the years. We find it much easier to trust rules and regulations than to trust the Holy Spirit operating in the grace of God. However, as it says so clearly in Ephesians 2:8-9, we are saved by grace through faith, not by obeying a list of rules. Some people are quick to turn that on its head and say that our actions don't matter at all, but that too is a lie of the devil. We are indeed called to be holy, as God is holy, but holiness is the result, not the price, of our salvation. As Paul is saying in this verse, Christ already paid the price on the cross, and trying to add anything to that, not to mention substitute anything for that, is saying that the cross was worthless.


As a pastor, I not only need to maintain my own awareness of God's grace, I need to teach others about it as well. We all have some degree of difficulty in reconciling holiness and grace. I can't get it fully straight in my own wisdom, so I need the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit. That's true in my own heart, and especially so as I seek to pastor others. Part of that is that I need to extend grace to those who tend to be legalistic! I am to be gentle in correction, but as strong as necessary. Galatians is probably Paul's strongest letter! I am to be vigilant that no one would devalue the cross of Christ.


Father, this is an ongoing struggle for me. I know that doctrine is important, and I should not downplay it. At the same time, I have seen time and time again where doctrine got in the way of grace, fellowship was destroyed, and Your Spirit was grieved. Show me how to be true to Your truth, while at the same time being true to Your heart of grace and love. I can't do that in my own strength and wisdom! Help me indeed be consistent in speaking Your truth in love, so that errors of all sorts may be avoided or corrected, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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