

エペソ 2:3 私たちはみな、かつては不従順の子の中にあって、自分の肉の欲の中に生き、肉と心の望むままを行い、ほかの人たちと同じように、生まれながら御怒りを受けるべき子らでした。

The biggest problem in evangelism is that most people who fit this category don't even understand that it is a category, much less that they fit it! Even in America, which has over 300 years of cultural Christianity, people don't understand that they are headed for hell, not because they have done some terrible thing like murder, but because they have ignored God and simply done what they felt like. In countries like Japan that don't have a Christian heritage, the lack of understanding is even greater. Any parent can testify that when their children repeatedly refuse to listen and do as they are told, for their own good, that it makes the parent both sad and mad. How much more then would God, who created us and knows perfectly what is best for us, be upset when we ignore Him! If you don't understand sin, you can't understand grace and forgiveness. People being like we are, self-centered and wanting our own way, sometimes get mad when told they are headed for hell. They should accept the warning and choose to do something about it! Thankfully, some do, but it is a sad reality that many do not. An additional problem is that once a person has become a Christian, they sometimes forget how they used to be, and so lose sight of grace from that standpoint. When that happens, all sorts of pride problems rear up, and they can be very destructive.

福音主義で最も大きい問題はこのカテゴリーに合う大部分の人々がそれがカテゴリーであると思わず、ましてや自分達がそのカテゴリーに該当するなど考えもしないということです! 300年以上のキリスト教文化の歴史があるアメリカにおいてでさえ、人々は殺人のような残酷なことをやったからという理由ではなく、神の存在を無視し単に自分達がやりたいようにやったという理由だけで地獄へ落ちていくのだということを理解していません。キリスト教的な伝統を持たない日本のような国において、そのような理解の欠如はさらに大きくなります。親なら誰しも子供達のためを思って言っているのにそれを彼らが聞くことや守ることを拒否したら、悲しくなるし腹も立つということは理解できるでしょう。

As a pastor/teacher doing the work of an evangelist, I have to deal with this issue in the unsaved and the saved. I certainly need the help of the Holy Spirit to do so, because there's no way I can do it right on my own. Prayer is absolutely key. If I really believe that God can do it but I can't, I'll spend time in prayer rather that getting frustrated at butting my head against the issue time and time again. I must never forget that I have certainly been “among the children of disobedience” all too much, despite having been raised in such a strongly Christian environment. That should take care of any pride issue for me, but unfortunately it doesn't always. I need to walk in humility, being careful that I don't fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12)

福音伝道の仕事をしている牧師/教師として、私はまだ救われていない人達と救われた人達においてこの問題を対処していかなければなりません。確かに私は聖霊の力が必要です、なぜなら私一人の力では正しくやれるはずがないからです。祈りは絶対的な鍵です。もし私が神には可能で私には不可能だと本当に信じるならば、私は何度もその問題に頭を突っ込んで不満に陥るより、祈りに時間を費やします。私はあんなにも強いキリスト教的な絆で結ばれた環境で育てられてきたのですが、確かに“(神に)従わない子供たちに囲まれて”いることを決して忘れてはいけません。そうすることで私のプライドの問題に対処しているのですが、残念なことにそれはつねに成功しているとは限りません。私は謙遜を着て、倒れないように気をつける必要があります。(第一コリント人への手紙 10:12)

Father, there are so many to whom I would like to communicate this message! I ask for wisdom, patience, and persistence so that Your Truth may penetrate and set them free, for their salvation and Your glory. There are those who are trapped in intellectual pride, thinking that rationalistic “science” is everything. There are those who are trapped in physical appetites, thinking that submission to You will deprive them of their pleasures. There are those who are trapped in materialistic thinking, not understanding that faith is necessary or even possible. I can't get through to any of them, but Your Holy Spirit can, and that is what I ask for. Father, pour Your Spirit out on this church and through this church, so that we may be powerfully effective in bringing people from darkness to light, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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