

第2コリント 5:20 こういうわけで、私たちはキリストの使節なのです。ちょうど神が私たちを通して懇願しておられる ようです。私たちは、キリストに代わって、あなたがたにお願いします。神の和解を受け入れなさい。

To me, this is one of the most glorious verses in the whole Bible. I memorized it as a young child when I was a member of Royal Ambassadors, an organization for young boys in the Southern Baptist denomination, but I think that hardly anybody associated with the organization really believed all the implications of this verse. We tend to run from the idea that God wants to reconcile people to Himself through us. The language in this verse, considered seriously seems like extreme hubris to us. However, this verse is entirely consistent with what Jesus told His disciples in the Upper Room Discourse (John 13-17, specifically 15:18-21). We are not being offered a life of luxury, quite the opposite, but we are being commissioned as Jesus said after His resurrection: “As the Father sent me, so I send you.” (John 20:21) When believers get it through their minds that they are Christ's ambassadors and that God speaks through them, all sorts of things change. We are of course to strive to live lives appropriate to our commission, but an ambassador's authority does not rest in himself. He speaks on behalf of the entity that sent him. If we are in right relationship with God and obedient to Him, His words come through us as surely as if they echoed from the clouds. When that happens, His words accomplish everything for which He sends them. (Isaiah 55:11)


As a pastor, I strive to get this truth through to the believers. As a believer, I strive to live it out myself. There is no room for pride in this, because the power is all God's. However, failure to act on it is putting ourselves in the place of the servant who buried his talent. (Matthew 25:14-30) If God speaks through me, then I must pay attention to the words that come out of my mouth (or my fingers as I type), not just communicating them to others but being obedient myself. I must immerse myself in the Bible, allowing the Word to wash and cleanse me, so that I will not be deceived into speaking that which violates God's heart (Ephesians 5:26, Romans 12:2). My heart's desire is that every believer would genuinely accept this commission, so that all of God's plans for us may be fulfilled.


Father, help me live our Your Word and teach others to do the same, so that Your kingdom may come as Your will is done, right here in hearts and lives and everything that springs from them, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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