

第2コリント 8:9 あなたがたは、私たちの主イエス・キリストの恵を知っています。すなわち、主は富んでおられたのに、あなたがたのために貧しくなられました。それは、あなたがたが、キリストの貧しさによって富む者になるためです。

This is something we tend to forget. People living in “advanced” countries today have so much luxury they take completely for granted, but that doesn't begin to compare with what Christ had with the Father before He came to earth as a human being. We find it quite a hardship when, say, the electricity goes out. We can't really imagine what it was like for Christ to be born to a carpenter's family 2000 years ago. On top of that, they were political refugees for the first few years, and then from the time He was 12 He was expected to do a man's work in the carpenter shop. When He was active in ministry He had no place of His own to call home, and when He was executed the only personal effects He had for the executioners to divide were the clothes He wore. In His ministry He limited Himself to the power of the Holy Spirit, rather than His own power as the Son, but that was precisely so that we could see the power that He made available to us at Pentecost. We need to have a better grasp of what Christ gave up for us, because only then will we have a better grasp of what He has provided for us. We have an inheritance in heaven that beats every­thing on earth put together, and it doesn't just start when our bodies die. The same Holy Spirit, the same intimacy with the Father that Jesus operated in on this earth are made available to us, but we must choose to receive them. Hanging onto the things of this earth – money, position, physical pleasure, or whatever – keeps us from receiving the riches Christ has provided for us.

このことは、私たちは忘れがちです。「先進国」に住んでいる人たちは贅沢を当たり前にしてしまうが、その贅沢は、キリストが人間としてこの地上に来られた前に父なる神様とともにあった状況に比べられるわけではない。私たちは停電でもかなりの苦労と思ってしまいます。イエス様にとって2000年前の大工の家族に生まれることはどうだったかは、本当に想像もできない。その上、最初の数年間、家族は政治難民でしたし、12歳からイエス様は大人として大工の仕事をしなければなりませんでした。弟子たちを教えていた間、イエス様は自分の家と言えるところもなく、死刑されたとき、死刑士が分けた彼の私物は着ていた服だけでした。この地上でイエス様は御子の力ではなくて、聖霊の力だけを使いましたが、それは、私たちがペンテコステで与えられた力は何ものであるかを理解できるためでした。キリストが私たちのためにどれほどを捨てたかをより知らなければなりません。それは、キリストが私たちのために備えてくださったことは何であるかを理解できるためです。この地上にあるものすべてに勝る遺産が私たちのために天国にありますが、それは肉体の死後にしか楽しめないわけではありません。イエス様がこの地上で楽しんだ聖霊様、父との交わりは私たちにも提供されていますが、私たちは受け取る選択をしなければなりません。この地上のもの - 財産、地位、肉体の快楽、何でも - を握ってしまうと、キリストが私たちのために備えた宝を受け取れないことになります。

This is closely connected with the message series the Lord has me in right now. The grace-gifts of the Holy Spirit are magnificent, but we won't operate in them so long as our values are conformed to the world. Lots of Christians would like the gifts of the Spirit, but with the same level of understanding and desire that has non-Christians chasing divination, “paranormal phenomena” and the like. That's a major mistake! I need to be very careful to help the believers understand that the gifts aren't to aggrandize them, but rather to build up the Body of Christ. I need to remember that myself, and exercise the gifts I've been given faithfully, building up the flock as a good shepherd.


Father, every time I come to a passage that is part of my job description I am aware that I can't do it in my own strength and wisdom. Thank You for that awareness. Help me indeed take my eyes off of myself and fix them on You, just as I am continually exhorting others to do, so that Your Spirit and Your Word may flow freely through me to accomplish Your will in Your way on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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