ガラテヤ 5:13 兄弟たち。あなたがたは、自由を得られるために召されたのです。ただ、その自由を肉の働く機会としないで、愛を持って互いに仕えなさい。
This verse is absolutely essential in this whole letter to the Galatians. The whole purpose of the letter is to combat legalism, so there is the real danger of people using it to justify libertinism. This verse should put a stop to that. The appetites of our flesh can easily get out of hand, as witness the epidemic of obesity in the US right now, not to mention the various kinds of licentiousness and perversion that are rampant. As it says in 2 Corinthians 3:17, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. However, it is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin. The devil does all he can to foster the misunderstanding that freedom equals physical indulgence equals happiness (or at least fun). I saw a cartoon the other day of two male winged characters sitting on a cloud, and one is saying to the other, “Heaven would be more fun if we could raise a little hell.” Nothing could be further from the truth, but that's precisely the thinking the devil wants to foster. Paul is saying here that we must be diligent in avoiding it.
Years of immersion in Scripture have given me fairly solid footing in this area, though indulgence remains something I have to be on my guard against. However, as a pastor I work with people all the time who have no such background, and they see indulgence as “doing what comes naturally.” I am not to condemn them, but rather work to help them take in the Truth that will set them free indeed. (John 8:32) I need to present God's truth for what it is, the most joyful, liberating good news we could possibly hear. Our flesh indeed kicks at parts of it, but it is indeed good news that we don't have to be enslaved to our flesh! That's not to say that we aren't to take good care of our bodies, or that “if it feels good, it's sinful.” Asceticism is also a trap of the devil. However, when our flesh distracts us from obedience to God, we are not walking in freedom.
Father, the more You had me write just now, the better I realized that I really have as much potential weakness as anyone else. Help me be a good steward of this body without being a slave to it. Help me also communicate to the believers both the necessity and the possibility of such an attitude. I remember a deacon in the church I pastored in the US asking me if I thought a holy life was really possible, because his experience said otherwise. Help me both demonstrate and proclaim that the answer is a resounding YES. May I and those I pastor be a clear demonstration of Your saving, purifying grace, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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