創世記 3:1-15
S: 創世記 3:15 「わたしは、おまえと女の間に、また、おまえの子孫と女の子孫の間に、敵意を置く。彼は、おまえの頭を踏み砕き、おまえは、彼のかかとにかみつく。」
O: This passage is very famous, as is this verse from it, but I recently saw a disturbing distortion of it. A statue of Mary had a snake peeping out from under her robe. This was a distortion, and disturbing, for two reasons. First, the head of the snake was not crushed, and it did not look in the least distressed, and in the second place, this verse does not say the woman would crush the snake's head, it says the “seed of the woman,” singular, and if I'm not mistaken masculine. (I'm not an expert in Hebrew, but both Japanese and English translations specify the gender.) Every Biblical scholar I've read agrees that this verse refers to Jesus Christ; not to mankind in general and to no other specific individual. That is why this passage is included in the readings on Immanuel: it tells why Christ had to come (man's sin) and what He would do (crush Satan). Twisting that to say that Mary defeats Satan (or coexists with him, since that snake wasn't crushed) is subtle but very dangerous heresy.
O: この節は大変、良く知られていますが、最近私はこの内容に関し不愉快なことを目にしました。衣服の下から蛇が覗き込んでいるマリア像です。これは曲解であり、不愉快です。理由は二つです。まず、蛇の頭が踏み砕かれていないこと、そして蛇が全く苦しんでいないようだったこと、です。この節ではマリアが蛇の頭を踏み砕くとは書いてありません。あるのは「女性の子孫」と単数形で書かれているだけです。私が間違っていなければ男性を指しています。(私はヘブル語の専門家ではありませんが、日英訳とも男性として書かれています)これまで私が読んだ聖書学者は全て、この節がイエス・キリストを指しているという見方で一致しています。人類全体でもなければ、他の特定の人間を指しているのではありません。ですからこの節はインマニュエルに関することを包含しているのです。つまり、キリストの出現(人の罪のため)と、キリストがすること(悪魔を踏み砕く)を教えているのです。これを曲解し、マリアがサタンを打ち負かすというのは目立たないようでも大変、危険な異端です。
A: I'm certainly not to mount a campaign against my Catholic brethren, but as the Lord gives opportunity I do need to speak truth to them. The whole issue of Mary is very dangerous, but I'm not to “throw the baby out with the bath water,” as the saying goes, and refuse fellowship because of this point. I have very many dear brothers and sisters in Christ who are Catholic, and I must not go against the prayer of Christ for unity in His body. However, I need to be clear in my teaching so that the believers here will know what and why they believe, and so as many others as possible may be delivered from dangerous error.
P: Father, thank You for the good relationship You've given me with the Catholics in Omura. Thank You for the genuine fellowship I have with the two priests and with many of their respective flocks. I pray that You would open the way for me to bring this issue up with the priests, not to be combative but speaking the truth in love. Thank You for the respect they seem to feel for me. I pray that I would not violate that, but also that I would not value that above the truth. I ask that ask I speak the truth in love so that they would be liberated from deception and would in turn liberate their flocks, so that the works of the devil may be destroyed and the Body of Christ rise up in all purity and strength, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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