

ヘブル 5:1-10

S: ヘブル 5:4 まただれでも、この名誉は自分で得るのではなく、アロンのように神に召されて受けるのです。

O: Ecclesiastical office, for want of a better word, is a strange thing. On the one hand, Paul speaks of “setting your heart on being an overseer.” However, as this verse and years of experience point out, taking such positions without the calling of God is foolish in the extreme and ultimately disastrous for all involved. God sets in place those He chooses, but those who take such titles out of human ambition are deeply deceived on many levels. God desires willing vessels, but sometimes He has to do quite a bit of convincing, as with Moses. The conviction of divine call and commission is essential for anyone who is going to be in a position of leadership in the Body of Christ.

O: 聖職者的立場から言うと、良い言葉に欠けた奇妙な表現です。パウロが「あなたの思いを監督者に向けよ」と一方で言っているからです。しかし、この節の言わんとすることと、長年の経験で、神を呼ぶことなしにそうした立場をとるのがひどく愚かであり、最終的には関わる人全てが悲惨な結果になると指摘しています。神様は適切な所を選んでおられます。しかし、人間的な野心に満ちた態度では、多くの段階で欺きに遭います。神様は望んで用いられる人を好まれますが、時にモーゼにしたように、神様がかなり説得しなくてはならない時もあります。キリストの体の指導者になろうとする人は誰でも聖なる召しと神様からの任命を信じていなくてはなりません。

A: Like probably every other minister I have had my moments of doubting whether I was in the right place at the right time, and I have likewise had my moments of complaining about my commission, like Jeremiah did. However, again like Jeremiah, I do what I do because I can't help it. Paul expressed it as, “Christ's love compels me.” (2 Corinthians 5:14) That makes it particularly painful to be a shepherd when the sheep get rebellious and muddy the water for one another. However, there are also moments that make it all worthwhile, and I have the assurance of my eternal reward as well, so I must not lose hope.


P: Father, thank You for the beautiful testimonies Sunday. I needed that evidence that the Word You have been speaking through me has been getting through to some people at any rate. Help me indeed keep my eyes on You and not lose hope, however briefly. Help me walk humbly before You and before my brothers and sisters, but with the assurance of my calling and commission, so that I will not draw back but move forward into all that You desire and plan, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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