イザヤ 11:1-10
S: イザヤ 11:2-3 その上に、主の霊がとどまる。それは知恵と悟りの霊、はかりごとと能力の霊、主を知る知識と主を恐れる霊である。この方は主を恐れることを喜び、
O: Sentence division is different in the NIV and the Japanese, with the NIV tying the first line of verse 3 to verse 2, but the Japanese tying it to the rest of verse 3. Regardless, this is a description of the Holy Spirit, and Christ's response to Him. This is very important, because the same Holy Spirit is given to us, and our response should be like Christ's. This understanding of the Holy Spirit should be a great comfort to every Christian, because a sober self-evaluation will reveal a lack of wisdom, understanding, discernment, ability, and knowledge of and respect for God, and the Holy Spirit provides all these things. (The list as I just gave it should be a demonstration of the advantage of reading the Bible in multiple languages, because each language is better at expressing different nuances.) The Holy Spirit is the source of all these things, but our attitude is of the utmost importance, and that is what is touched on in the first line of verse 3. Of all the things listed, humanly speaking we might value “the fear of the Lord” least, but that's what Christ delighted in, more than all the other things. It is only when we have a proper respect for God that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be properly operative in our lives.
O: NIVと日本語訳では文の切れ目が違っています。NIVでは3節の最初の文が2節にかかっていますが、日本語訳では3節の残りにかかっています。いずれにせよ、この文は聖霊のことと、キリストの応答を描写してあります。これは大変重要です。というのは同じ聖霊が私たちにも注がれているからであり、それゆえ、私たちの反応もキリストと同様であるべきだからです。聖霊に対する理解は全てのクリスチャンにとって大きな慰めとなるべきでしょう。冷静な自己評価をして見ると、知恵、理解、分別、能力、神への知識と崇めることが私たちに足りないことが分かり、聖霊様がこれらの不足を与えてくださると分かるからです。(ここで私が列挙したことは、聖書を多言語で読んでいるからこそ知り得たことです。各言語によって表現に微妙な違いがあるからです。)聖霊様こそが全ての源ですが、私たちの態度もまら大変重要です。それが3節の最初の文が述べていることです。列挙した中で、人間的に言って、「主を恐れること」を大切にすべきことで、クリスチャンが何よりも喜んでいるべきことです。神様を正しく敬えた時こそ、聖霊に与えられた賜物全てが私たちの命に正しく発揮できるのです。
A: This passage is 100% applicable in my life, because I desire all these things yet know that I lack them, humanly speaking. At the same time, by God's grace I know that His Spirit is as available to me as He was to Jesus, if I will only be in the right position for Him to flow through me. I've preached many times on such passages as John 20:21, 2 Corinthians 5:20 and 1 John 4:17; I do not think we are Christ, but I know we are to represent and reflect Him. I must never think that any of this is my personal property, descending into conceit and hubris, but I must never allow my unbelief to limit what God wants to do through me.
P: Father, thank You for Your grace. Even as I have been writing I have been very aware of how far I am from walking in this fully. Thank You for the tastes You give me of how good it can be. Thank You for the opportunity last night to bless a former fellow teacher and in the process witness to many former students. I don't think the teacher and his wife will soon forget what they heard through me, and I pray that the students wouldn't either. Thank You for the assurance You give us that no word You speak through us is lost; it will always accomplish that for which You send it. I pray that what You spoke through me last night would bear rich fruit of salvation for many, for Your glory. Thank You also for the privilege of preaching that I will have this morning. Again, may Your Word through me accomplish all that You intend, opening, healing, and strengthening hearts, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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