

ルカ 2:21-32

S: ルカ 2:27 彼が御霊に感じて宮に入ると、幼子イエスを連れた両親が、その子のために律法の慣習を守るために、入って来た。

O: Once again sentence division is very different between the English and the Japanese, but the point is that when Simeon was obedient to what he felt, he had a divine appointment of the highest order. The term used indicates that he didn't hear a voice from heaven or anything that dramatic or even clear; he just felt he was supposed to go to the temple. As Elijah discovered, God seldom shouts. The problem is that we seldom get quiet enough to hear when He uses a softer voice. Not only are we busy with our own agendas, we don't really believe that God wants to speak to us personally, and so don't trust the gentle hints He gives us. However, the more experience we get in being obedient when we do hear Him, the more our spirits are going to be “tuned to His frequency,” so to speak, so that we will be able to hear Him more and more consistently. The prime requirement is a heart that is submitted to Him, which includes a commitment to do whatever He says. That commitment can take a lot of faith, because it applies before we hear, and we don't know what He's going to say to us! However, as Simeon discovered, being obedient can lead to unimagined blessings.


A: God has worked on me in this area through the very uncritical point of changing lanes while driving, that is, when I listen to Him I get through traffic much more smoothly than when I don't. However, I've got to be active in expanding that into every area of my life. Just as I don't always do the right thing in driving, in the same way I fail to do the right thing at times in much more important areas. With me, the biggest problem is that I am so prone to try to figure things out on my own, rather than getting quiet enough really to hear what God has to say about things. As I keep being reminded, I need to live out Proverbs 3:5-6. Both the NIV and the Shinkaiyaku Japanese render that as “make your paths straight,” but the translation in which I first learned it says “direct your paths.” Divine appointments are all about direction and guidance; we've just got to be sensitive enough to listen.

A:神様は私が運転中に車線変更をするように語られました。神様の言われるように車線変更をしたおかげで、混雑の少ない車線でスムーズに行きました。しかし、この状態を人生のあらゆる側面に積極的に拡大して応用していくべきでしょう。運転中も私が常に正しいとは限りませんし、同様にもっと大切な分野で、ことを仕損じることもあります。私の問題は物事を自分自身で理解しようとしがちなことにあります。本来は神様の語りを聞くために静かにしているべきなのですが。箴言3:5~6のように生きていくべきなのです。NIVと新改訳の日本語で「あなたの道をまっすぐに される」とありますが、私が最初に学んだのは「あなたの道を指し示す」と言った意味合いでした。神様から与えられる使命は方向性と導きにあります。ですから耳を澄まし鋭敏に聞きとらなくてはいけません。

P: Father, some of the richest discussions of divine appointments I've had have been with Jo Cathey, and our Christmas card to her just came back. I pray Your abundant blessings, protection and comfort for her, and I pray that You would receive her before Your throne to give her the rich reward she deserves at Your right time. Thank You for choosing to use human instruments, and for the privilege of being one of those. Help me be increasingly sensitive and obedient to You so that I will meet all of the appointments You have for me, for the blessing of others and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

P:お父様。Jo Catheyとの聖なる使命についても多くの話し合いを幾つかしましたが、彼女に送ったクリスマスカードが戻ってきました。あなたの豊かな彼女への豊かな祝福、守り、慰めを祈ります。そしてあなたの時宜に合わせて彼女に豊かな報酬を与えてくださる以前から、あなたが彼女を受け入れて下さることを祈ります。特権のために、人間としての用い方を選んでくださり感謝します。あなたが私に下さっている使命を果たすように、私がますます鋭敏に従えますように。他の方の祝福とあなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!

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