

エレミヤ 33:1-16

S: エレミヤ 33:3 「わたしを呼べ。そうすれば、わたしは、あなたに答え、あなたの知らない、理解を超えた大いなる事を、あなたに告げよう。」

O: This is a wonderful promise, but at the same time it exposes one of our fundamental weaknesses as human beings: much of what God does is beyond our understanding. Understanding what's going on gives us a sense of control, which we like, but the problem is that we are finite, and God isn't. God is incredibly gracious, and He reveals things that are far beyond our capacity to figure out, just as He is saying in this verse. However, that galls us, because we can take no pride in it. As long as we are hanging onto our pride, insisting that we are going to work things out ourselves, we are denying the grace and power of God and are cutting ourselves off from His blessings.


A: Application is everything on this point. I tend to say yes, yes, and then turn around and keep trying to figure everything out myself and do it my way. Naturally, that just wears me out and gets me into trouble in the process. As it says in Hebrews 4:11, my striving needs to be to enter into God's rest, not to do it myself. Right now I feel overwhelmed with things to be done. Looking at it objectively, there are sufficient resources, including time, for it all to be taken care of, but because I can't get out of the mindset that “I've got to do it,” I get all tied in knots. God has brought me into this situation precisely to teach me to let go and allow Him to be God, just as He had me share in the testimony time yesterday. I need to stop being anxious and just rejoice in Him!


P: Father, I am amazed at my own lack of faith. As many times as You have demonstrated Your faithfulness to me, as many things as You've brought me through over the 54 years I've been a Christian, it would seem reasonable that I would have learned my lesson by now! Thank You for Your patience with me, for not giving up on me. Help me get through this latest round of training. I know You will, and I thank You for that. Help me not only keep going deeper in my own trust and assurance of You, but also take many others with me. I want to fulfill Your order to make disciples, not just “dip 'em and drop 'em.” Every one of the believers in this body needs nurturing, and I have no skill or wisdom to do that. Help me hear You clearly enough, with enough commitment to obedience, so that Your Spirit may accomplish all that needs to be done, through me and not in spite of me, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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