

マタイ 2:13-23

S: マタイ 2:19 ヘロデが死ぬと、見よ、御使いが、夢でエジプトにいるヨセフに現れて、言った。

O: It's clear from this verse and verses 13 and 22, not to mention 1:20-24, that Joseph was a dreamer, much like the patriarch for whom he was named. God speaks to different people in different ways, but the most important thing is that He does speak. We have varying ability to hear and listen to Him, and often we don't recognize that He is who is speaking to us, just like the boy Samuel (1 Samuel 3). That's why Jesus said repeatedly, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Sometimes our failure to listen is accidental, because of all the background noise, so to speak, but sometimes it is willful, like a child who ignores what his parent is saying to him. Spiritual maturity is in large part a matter of learning to listen and obey. Isaiah and John both make it very clear that God's words are enormously important and powerful, so it is only reasonable that we would try to hear them. The average person has absolutely no concept that God is speaking at all, much less speaking to them, and that's the kind of ignorance the devil tries to keep people in. The devil also tries to talk louder than God to anyone who will fall for that deception, so it is vitally important that anyone who desires to hear from God immerse themselves in the Bible. God doesn't limit Himself to speaking through the words on the page (though He often uses them), but everything He says is in harmony with the Bible. Getting the Bible into our hearts protects us from deception like nothing else, and it makes it easier and easier for us to hear and recognize what God is saying to us about all sorts of things.

O: この節と13,22節で、また言うまでもなく1:20~24からはっきりと分かることですが、彼の名前にもなった祖先の人のようにヨセフは夢を見る人でした。神様は色々な人たちに色々な方法で語られますが、最も大切なことは神が語っておられるということです。私たちは神様の声を聞くのに様々な能力を与えられていますが、しばしばそのことに気がつきません。丁度サミュエル(1サミュエル3)のようです。だからこそ、イエス様は繰り返し「耳のある物は聞け」と言われたのです。周りがうるさいために、たまたま聞き逃すことはあるでしょうが、両親を無視する子供のように我ままな場合もあります。霊的成熟は聞き従うことを学ぶことと多く関わっています。イザヤとヨハネは神様の言葉がとてつもなく大切で力あるものだとはっきり示しています。ですから私たちも耳を傾けていましょう。一般的な人にとっては神様が語っておられると言う考えを全く持っていません。ましてや自分に語られているなど思いもしないでしょう。それこそ悪魔が人を陥れていることで無知なのです。そうした欺きに陥る人には、神様の声よりも悪魔の声の方が大きく聞こえてくるのです。ですから神様の声を聞きたいなら、聖書に深く触れることが大変重要です。神様は読んでいるページを通して語って来るだけではありませんが(もっとも、しばしばそうですが)、聖書と一致したことを話されます。私たちに心は聖書によって、欺きなどから守られます。そうすることで、ますます神様の色々な声が容易に聞き分けられるようになってきます。

A: This is central to my life. I desire to have perfect hearing when it comes to God, and I desire to be perfectly obedient. “Perfect” appearing twice in that sentence makes it clear that this is something I'll be working on for the rest of my life! Also, the major burden of my ministry is opening believers' eyes to see what God has done for them in Christ, and that certainly includes direct access to God, both in presenting petitions to Him and in hearing what He is saying to us. People tend to think I'm bragging when I speak of hearing from God, when my intent is both to speak simple fact and to encourage them to listen and hear what God is saying to them. I'm regularly used by God to speak His words to others, though not often in forms that people recognize as “prophetic,” but there too I desire to encourage people to make themselves available for God speak through them as well. I desire to help them understand that God is communicative; He spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1) and He hasn't stopped talking to His creation since.

A: これはまさに私の人生です。神様の声とあらば完全に聞き取リ、完全に従いたいと望んでいます。「完全」と言う語を二度使いましたが、これからの私の人生で心しておきたいことだからです。私のミニストリーにおいての主な重荷は信者の目が開かれ神様がキリストにあって彼らのためになされたことを、見えるようにすることです。神様に頼み、神様の声を聞くと言う、直接アクセスすることを含めみます。私が神様から聞いたと言うと、人からは自慢していると思われがちですが、ただ私は単純な事実を話し、それによって彼らも神様の声を聞けるように勇気づけているだけなのです。神様の御言葉を人に伝えるようにいつも用いられていますが、人がよく思うような「預言的」なものではありません。しかし神が人に語り用いられるように励ましたいとも思っています。神様はコミュニケーンをとるお方だと彼らに分かってほしいと望んでいます。神は、この世にあれ(創世期1)と語られました。それ以来、被創造物に語り続けておられます。

P: Father, thank You for how You speak to each of us, and for Your varied ways of doing so. Thank You for showing Cathy another Bible game in a dream last night. That one's going to have to wait for production until we have enough resources to contract manufacturing of it, but it seems to have real potential. Thank You for how You guided our trip to Fukuoka yesterday. Some of the things You said were disappointing at the time, but the end result was good. Thank You also for the lessons You gave us in communication with people, because we all tend to hear what we expect instead of what's really being said. Help me not only hear You accurately, help me hear what the people around me are really saying and communicate with them in ways that will get through their preconceptions as well. May I be an effective mouthpiece for You, not just a loud one, so that many will be healed, delivered, encouraged, strengthened, and otherwise blessed, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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