イザヤ 7:10-14
S: イザヤ 7:10-12 主は再び、アハズに告げてこう仰せられた。「あなたの神、主から、しるしを求めよ。よみの深み、あるいは、上の高いところから。」するとアハズは言った。「私は求めません。主を試みません。」
O: What Ahaz did was the opposite of what Zechariah did in yesterday's reading, but the motive was the same: unbelief. God had just spoken a remarkable, and to Ahaz unbelievable, word of encouragement, and now He is graciously offering to confirm that promise through a sign of Ahaz's choosing. However, Ahaz chooses to respond with a pious platitude rather than step out in faith. Perhaps part of the problem was that God was speaking through Isaiah, and Ahaz was taking it as a purely human statement. Today we recognize Isaiah as one of the greatest of the OT prophets, but such recognition was slow to come for him. In fact, tradition tells us that he was eventually martyred by being sawed in two, as Hebrews refers to. (11:37) Jesus Himself quoted the proverb in His day that a prophet isn't without recognition except in his own country. (Matthew 13:57, Mark 6:4, John 4:44) It can be dangerous to accept everything some teacher says as being from God, but it is even more dangerous to refuse to accept words from God through a human messenger.
O: アハズは昨日読んだゼカリヤとは反対のことをしましたが、動機は同じでした。不信仰です。神様は素晴らしいことを語られたのですが、アハズは信じられませんでした。励ましの言葉と、アハズを選んだ主からの印を求めるように語られたのですが。アハズの反応は冗漫な信心さでした。恐らく、その理由の一つには神様がイザヤを通して語られたため、アハズは純粋に人間の言葉として受けたのでしょう。今でこそ、イザヤは旧約聖書の偉大な預言者とされていますが、アハズにそうした認識はあまりありませんでした。実際、イザヤはのこぎり引き裂かれ殉教したとヘブル11:37にあります。イエス自身が箴言を引用し「預言者が尊敬されないのは、自分の郷里、家族の間だけです」(マタイ13:57、マルコ6:4、ヨハネ4:44)と言っています。神様の言葉だからと教師の言うことを全て受け入れるのは危険ですが、人を通して語られる神様の言葉を拒む事はもっと危険です。
A: As someone who desires and seeks to speak God's words, I tend to put myself in Isaiah's place in this story, but I've got to be as careful as anyone else not to ignore or refuse something God is saying to me through a human instrument. The question is one of heart attitude: is my heart tuned to God, to recognize His voice regardless of the medium? At the same time, I need to be comforted when people refuse what I know God is saying simply because He is saying it through me. I've got lots of company! When God has been so patient and forgiving with me, I need to exercise that same attitude toward those I minister to. I've got to be faithful to speak what God speaks to me, even if it means being sawed in two like Isaiah or stoned like Jeremiah. I must not be proud, speaking down to people, but I must also remember that my reward is in heaven, and be satisfied with that.、
P: Father, what grieves me most when people won't receive what You say through me is seeing the unnecessary suffering they bring on themselves. I'm told that my sermons can be hard to understand. I ask for the help of Your Holy Spirit, both on my words and on the ears and hearts of my hearers. I pray that what is of You would cut through all the cultural and emotional barriers to penetrate hearts and lives, breaking off the bonds of deception and setting Your people free to be and do all that You intend, for their great blessing and Your great glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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