

ピリピ 2:5-11

S: ピリピ 2:5 あなたがたの間では、そのような心構えでいなさい。それはキリスト・イエスのうちにも見られるのです。

O: It is interesting that the Japanese points to the attitude expressed in verses 1-4 and says we should have it, since Jesus had it too, while the English points to verses 6-8 as Jesus' attitude, and says we should have the same. Actually, since 6-8 speak of what only Jesus could do as part of the Trinity, 1-4 brings it down to our level in a much more applicable way. Jesus is our example as well as our Savior, but we often have a lot of trouble believing we can follow that example, since after all, He is God. That's why we need the revelation of the Holy Spirit to let us know that He will do in and through us what He did in Jesus. There are differences, of course, but the same Holy Spirit who “remained on” Jesus (John 1:32) is available to us. We need to give Him the same liberty to use us that Jesus did, with the same assurance and the same humility.

O: 日本語では1~4節に、イエスがそうであったのだから私たちもそうあるべきだと言う心構えが書いてある一方、英語では6~8節にイエスのあり方が書いてあり私たちも同じであるべきだと述べてあるのは興味深いことです。実は、6~8は三位一体の一部としてのイエスの働きについて書かれているのです。1~4節では私たちにできることがより応用可能な方法で述べてあります。イエスは私たちの救い主であると同時に、また手本となる存在ですが、手本と信じることにしばしば困難を感じています。結局、イエスは神だからです。ですから、私たちの内に、また私たちを通して、神がなさることを知るために、聖霊様に教えていただくように啓示が必要なのです。当然、違いはありますが、イエスと同じ霊が私たちの上にも「とどまって」(ヨハネ1:32)います。聖霊が私たちが用いられるように聖霊に自由に働いて頂きましょう。イエスのように確信と謙遜を持って。

A: This is once again the same issue I have felt as a burden for the past several years. I need to be aware of who I am in Christ, and my job is to help believers understand who they are in Christ. Together we need to follow Jesus' example, and in faith do the “greater works” that He spoke of in John 14:12. The current level of the average believer is so far below that as to be tragic. However, we can't do anything worthwhile until we understand what God has already done in and for us in Christ, and that is my burden as a teacher. The difficulty I run into is that people often reject the word-picture I paint for them, saying that it is too far from their present reality. The fact is, the devil has blinded them so that they see only their own weaknesses and problems to the point that they are unable to lift their eyes to see God's power and provision. I need the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit to express the magnificence of what God has done for us in bites small enough that they can chew, swallow, and digest them, building these baby believers up to the point that they can handle their own steak, so to speak.


P: Father, thank You for yesterday and all it held. Thank You for answering my prayers about the church board meeting. Thank You for the growing maturity I see in the board members and in others. Lord, the problems we are seeing can easily be described as spiritual and emotional immaturity. I recognize those things in myself as well! Help me meet each believer on their level without stooping to that level of immaturity. As one board member said yesterday, the difficulty is that adults can be childish without being child-like, which makes them much harder to correct. I pray that Your spirit would have full reign in all of us, so that the lies of the enemy may be exposed to each believer, to be rejected and overcome, so that we will all grow up to the full stature of Christ, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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