イザヤ 40:3-11
S: イザヤ 40:9 シオンに良い知らせをを伝える者よ。高い山に登れ。エルサレムに良い知らせを伝える者よ。力の限り声をあげよ。声をあげよ。恐れるな。ユダの町々に伝え。「見よ。あなたがたの神を。」
O: Proclamation of the good news of God's grace is not something to be timid about. There are indeed many places in the world where it must be done very judiciously because of active persecution, but fortunately those places are in the minority. A far bigger problem is the vast number of Christians who have no constraints (other than common sense) on their evangelism, but they are scared to open their mouths. I like the way the Japanese puts it in this verse: we are to “lift up our voices with all our strength.” One difficulty is that most Christians have no idea what strength is available to them in Christ, and they still don't believe it when you tell them. God delights to pour His strength through us to accomplish His work; we've just got to be willing. When it is our active choice to communicate Christ, the things that God does through us are amazing indeed.
O: 神様の恵みを告げ知らせる福音を恐れることはありません。勿論、世界には大変、福音を慎重に伝えなくてはならない場所もあります。迫害があるからです。最も、そうした場所は幸いにして僅かです。それよりもっと大きな問題は、伝道に関して、多くのクリスチャンに規制がないことですが(常識的なことは別にして)、彼らは恐れて口を開きません。私は日本語訳の「力の限り声をあげよ」の個所が好きです。殆どのクリスチャンはキリストにあって力が用いられることを考え及びませんし、そのことを教えても信じません。神様は御業を常習するために御自分の強さを喜んで注いでくださいますから、私たちも進んでそうなりましょう。キリストを伝えることを積極的に選んだならば、神様が私たちを通して驚くほどのことを成してくださいます。
A: As a pastor I am expected to communicate the Gospel, which both makes it easier for me to speak and makes it easier for my hearers to discount what I'm saying, because I'm a “professional Christian.” I've got to be down-to-earth and authentic, letting the Holy Spirit touch people through me where they are, rather than being pushy with a “one size fits all” sort of message. As important as that is, it is even more important that I equip the believers to share their faith. I had a class for personal evangelism, but the only people who attended were the ones who were already sharing their faith! As the old proverb says, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I need to pray and I need to express the joy of being used by God to speak His love and grace to people. I should talk with those who are active in sharing to get them to give testimonies that will whet the appetites of those who don't share very often, so that people will pray to be able to evangelize. God answers prayers like that!
A: 牧師として私の務めは勿論、福音を伝えることです。私は「本格的なクリスチャン」なので、福音を語ることは私にはたやすく、聞く人にとっても簡単でしょう。私は分別あるホンモノのクリスチャンとして立ち、その私を通して聖霊様が人々に触れてくださることを望みます。決して「万人受けする」説教で押しつけがましくなってはいけません。本当にそれ以上に大切なことですが、信者との信仰を分かち合うことも必要です。私は個人伝道のクラスをしていますが、参加してくれている人たちは、もうすでに信仰を分かち合っている人たちです。古い諺に、馬を井戸まで連れて行くことはできても水を飲むのは馬自身、というのがあります。神様の愛と恵みを語るために用いられることの喜びを現せるように祈ります。自らの証しをしばしば分かち合うことによって、あまり証しをしない人を励ましてくれる人たちがいますが、彼らと話をして、みんなが伝道していけるように祈ります。神様はそのような祈りには応えてくださいます。
P: Father, thank You for the Christmas concert today and for the City Christmas a week from tomorrow. Those are both opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to groups, and I pray that they would be effective. Even more, I pray that You would give each believer a hunger to share Christ with those around them, in ways appropriate to the gifts You have placed in them. I pray that they would indeed lift up their voices and not be afraid, as You tell us in today's verse. May we indeed give You glory through worship, fellowship, and sharing Christ with others, bringing many into Your kingdom for their salvation. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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