

詩篇 89:19-29

S: 詩篇 89:29 わたしは彼の子孫をいつまでも、彼の王座を天の日数のように、続かせよう。

O: Like yesterday's passage, this too has long been recognized as messianic, but it also applies to far lesser people as well. Only in Christ is this particular verse fulfilled, but the very next verse speaks of “his sons forsake my law,” when Jesus didn't have physical descendants. From that standpoint it is clearly speaking of David himself and the kings who followed him, but there is a deeper and broader application as well. Several clearly messianic passages refer to the descendants of the Messiah, and then when we get to the NT, most explicitly in Hebrews 2, we, those saved by faith in Christ, are called His children. Looking at it that way, a lot of passages start making more sense. As many people have said, the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible!


A: Had I had this insight more clearly before creating this month's Scripture list I probably would have made today's selection longer! I need to walk in the awareness that in Christ I will live forever and He will never be deposed from His throne, but that doesn't absolve me from obedience to God. Since I'm a child of the King, I need to act like it! That doesn't mean swaggering around and abusing my position, like various royals in countries around the world have done down through the centuries. It does mean that I'm to be afraid of nothing, provided I'm walking in obedience to and fellowship with my Father. Royalty carries responsibility as well as privilege, and I need to recognize and apply both in my own life, as well as teach the believers to do likewise.

A: 今月の聖書日課を作成する前にもっと深く考えていたなら、恐らく今日の箇所をもっと長くしたことでしょう。キリストにあって永遠に生きること、キリストはいつまでも権威者であることを自覚して歩いていきたいと思います。しかし、それでも神に従順であることから赦免されるわけではありません。私は王の子供なのですから、そのように振る舞わなくてはなりません。地位を濫用して威張り散らすと言う意味ではありません。何世紀も世界中で様々な王室がありますが、丁度そのようなものです。何も恐れなくともよいのです。服して歩み、父と交わりを持つならそれでいいのです。王室権は特権と責任を包含していますが、私自身の生活にあてはめ、信者にも同様のことを教えていきたいと思います。

P: Father, thank You for this insight this morning. Verse 30 has long bothered me in the messianic context, and You cleared that up for me. Help me walk in calm assurance of who I am in Christ, not taking it for granted but living it out faithfully. Help me rejoice in who You have made me to be, fearing nothing but walking in humility and obedience before You, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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