

ミカ 5:2-4

S: ミカ 5:4 彼は立って、主の力と、彼の神、主の御名の威光によって群れを飼い、彼らは安らかに住まう。今や、彼の威力が地の果てまで及ぶからだ。

O: I divided the reading this way, ending with verse 4, because in the Japanese, verse 5 starts off with “Peace will come in the following way.” However, in the NIV at any rate, the beginning of verse 5 is a powerful completion to the prophecy of the Messiah: “And He will be their peace.” Once again I find myself wanting access to a Hebrew scholar! This whole passage, of course, is what enabled the scribes to tell King Herod where to tell the Magi to look for the Messiah, so there is absolutely no question that it refers directly to Jesus. As such, it is significant that it speaks of the shepherd-king, one who would deal with His subjects as a shepherd deals with his flock. Jesus, of course, spoke of Himself as the good shepherd, and of believers as His sheep. We can learn a lot about ourselves – most of it not very flattering – if we study sheep! The point, though, is not how stupid the sheep are, but how loving the shepherd is, and from that standpoint this passage, as part of the whole image of Christ as our Shepherd, is very comforting indeed.


A: Naturally this whole issue is of deep interest to me, since I am called and commissioned as an under-shepherd. In the first place, I'm not to be surprised when the people under my care act like sheep! I've got to remember God's patience and grace toward me and exercise that same patience and grace toward my flock. Never having dealt directly with the 4-legged kind of sheep, all I know of them is what I've read, but my understanding is that they can be remarkably like people in their interactions with each other and with their circumstances. Emotions in animals can be hard to gauge, but they certainly develop cliques and rivalries and seem to express jealousy and ambition. I shouldn't be surprised when such things surface in the church! Rather, I need to seek the wisdom of the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4) in how to deal with them so as not to harm the flock but rather nurture it and provide for its increase.

A: 当然ながら、この節全体に私は深く引き寄せられます。イエスに仕える牧者として私は召しを受け委託されていますから。まず、私がケアしている人たちが羊のような振る舞いをしたとして驚きません。私が群れに対して持っているのと同じ忍耐と恵み深さを持って、神様も働いてくださっていることを覚えているべきでしょう。実際に本物の羊をケアしているわけではありませんが、私の理解では羊は驚くほど人間に似ています。互いの関係や状況の関わり合い方において。動物の感情を計ることは難しいですが、動物もまた派閥を作り、敵ができます。嫉妬や野心も持っているようです。教会内でそのような感情が表面化したとしても驚いてはいけないでしょう!むしろ大牧者である(1ペテロ5:4)にどう対処すべきか、群れを傷つけることなく成長させるために、知恵を求めるべきでしょう。

P: Father, thank You for this encouragement this morning, hand in hand with the insight you gave Cathy as she was reading last night. This all fits in with what You have been showing us over the past several weeks. Help us walk in Your truth and Your love, not being shaken by whatever goes on around us, but rather lifting each person and each situation up to You in prayer and intercession, so that we will not allow the enemy to steal our peace and joy. Thank You. Praise God!

P: お父様。今朝、この励ましの言葉を有難うございます。昨夜キャシーが読んでいる時にともに洞察を下さり有難うございます。ここ数週間、私たちに示してくださったことと合致します。あなたの真実とあなたの愛の中を歩くように助けてください。周りの出来事で心に波立つことのありませんように。むしろ、互いが互いの状況をあなたに差し出し、祈り、取りなせますように。決して敵に私たちの平安と喜びを奪われることのありませんように。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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