

ルカ 1:5-25

S: ルカ 1:18 そこで、ゼカリヤは御使いに言った。「私は何によってそれを知ることができましょうか。私ももう年寄りですし、妻も年をとっております。」

O: I don't know why it never dawned on me before, but Zechariah was not the “old man” he claimed to be. Numbers 4 says very clearly that the Levites, at any rate, could not serve in the temple past age 50. Aaron was certainly past that when he served as the first priest, but forced retirement seems to have been the general rule. Average life expectancy was certainly less in those days, which was a big reason girls generally married early. However, Zechariah's response to Gabriel was blatant unbelief, and that's how Gabriel responded to it. The Japanese makes it much clearer than the English that Zechariah was asking for a sign that Gabriel's words would be fulfilled, so it was given to him – in a way he would never forget and probably didn't enjoy! We are experts at looking at our circumstances and deciding they are hopeless, and remain stubbornly unconvinced when anyone tries to tell us otherwise. The Bible is filled with examples of God working marvelous things in situations that looked impossible to those “on the ground” at the time. Sometimes that involves the clearly supernatural, but often it doesn't even go that far. Elizabeth certainly wasn't the first or the last woman who thought she was past menopause, only to discover she was pregnant!

O: これまでなぜこの節に気を留めなかったのか分かりませんが、とにかくゼカリヤは自分で言うほど「年寄り」ではありません。民数記4でレビ人は50歳を過ぎて宮で働けなかったとはっきりと書かれています。アロンが最初の祭司として勤めた時、確かにその年を過ぎていましたが、その職をやめるのが一般的な定めだったようです。当時の平均寿命は低く、そのため女性の結婚年齢も低くなっていました。しかし、ゼカリヤはガブリエルを信じなかったため、ガブリエルもまだこうした反応をしました。日本語訳では英訳よりもはっきりしていますが、ゼカリヤはガブリエルの言葉が成就する印を求めました。それが、ゼカリヤにとっては決して忘れることができず、恐らく決して楽しくはない方法で与えられたのです!人は自分の置かれた状況を見て絶望視するのに長けています。そして人がどれほど、そうはないのだと言い聞かせても、頑固なままです。聖書には、地では不可能に思える状況でも、神が素晴らしいことをなさった記録が沢山あります。それが超自然的に起こることもありますが、多くの場合、そうではありません。エリザベツは閉経を信じ込み、妊娠したことを知ったのですが、そうしたケースはあとにも先にも見られます。

A: I sure can't say I'm blameless here! There haven't been too many times in my life that God has worked the clearly supernatural, but there have been many times when I have been unable or unwilling to trust God for what He wanted to do, even when it didn't require the supernatural. I need to get rid of my rationalistic, unbelieving mindset and expect great things of God! That's not to say that I'm to be a pie-in-the-sky optimist, ignoring what's going on around me, but it is to say that I must never, ever count God out of the equation. As Gabriel later told Mary, nothing is impossible for God, and I'd better not forget it!


P: Father, thank You for this Word this morning. I needed it! When I fix my eyes on myself and my circumstances, I lose sight of You, just as I keep telling others. Help me practice what I preach! You are indeed doing wonderful things in and among us. Thank You. Keep me from being distracted by the assorted bumps in the road, from minor irritations to things that look like major obstacles, but rather keep my focus on You and expect You to do marvelously, beyond all I could ask or think. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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