ルカ 1:26-38
S: ルカ 1:37 「神にとって不可能なことは一つもありません。」
O: Such a simple, obvious statement, really, but we have such trouble actually believing it! The past few days' readings have been focused on faith, but then faith could be said to be the central focus of the whole Bible: faith that God is who He says He is, and that He loves us enough to send His Son to die for us. Faith was essential at every step of what is called the Christmas Story, and all mankind has been blessed by those who acted in faith. God is continually asking us to trust Him, to act on what He says rather than on what our senses or our human reasoning tell us. When we do that, we often find that things are not as we had thought, and outcomes are far different than we had expected. As I wrote back in November, some people insist that we “create” God in our own image, that He's nothing but a product of our imaginations. As a whole that's quite false, since God of course exists quite independently of us, who are His creation, but it is true that our concept of God is often something we “cook up,” with very little connection to reality. That's why the Bible is so important: by reading what God has said about Himself and how He has interacted with mankind down through the ages, we get a much clearer picture of Him as He really is. And of course, Gabriel's statement in today's reading is an essential part of that.
O: 単純で分かりやすい御言葉ですが、信じることは難しいようです!ここ数日の聖書日課は信仰がテーマでしたが、信仰は聖書を通しての中心的なテーマだと言えるでしょう。神は私たちを愛するが故に一人子を送ってくださった方で、神が神たる所以でそのことを信じるのが信仰です。クリスチャンストーリーのどの段階にも信仰は不可欠です。全ての人は信仰による行いを成した人たちによって祝福されています。神様は続けて神様を信頼するよう求めておられます。人の感覚や理性に頼るのではなく、神様に頼ることを望んでおられます。それができた時、物事が自分の思っていたように進むのではないことに気がつき、神による結果が人の予想と大きく違っていたことを知るでしょう。11月に書いたことですが、人が神を人のイメージに合わせて「創作」したのだと主張する人がいます。彼らは神は単なる任の想像の産物だと言うのです。それは完全に間違いです。神は勿論存在しますが、私たちから独立しておられます。私たちこそが造られた者です。しかし、また私たちのしばしば「創り上げた」神概念が殆ど事実とは無関係であるのも真実です。だからこそ聖書は大切なのです。神がご自身について語っておられること、人とどうかかわって来られたかを読み、事実通りの神をはっきりと思い描けるようになります。今日の日課に出てくるガブリエルの言葉は大変、重要な箇所なのです。
A: I say that I live by faith, and to an extent I do, but I am sharply aware of how much room I have to grow in this area. I am so prone to look at myself and my abilities and limit God to that. How foolish! I need to “put feet to my faith” more and more, choosing to act in faith rather than limiting God by my unbelief. Recently I've been seeking feedback on my messages, which in itself isn't bad, of course, but I must not think I am limited to “more of the same,” because God certainly isn't! I've got to be willing to make whatever effort, to do whatever God says, but I must remember that it isn't my effort that produces God's results. Mary didn't strive to give birth as a virgin! I need to make myself as available to God as she was – or, for that matter, as Balaam's donkey was – so that God can do whatever He chooses through me for His pleasure and glory.
A: 信仰によって生きるという点では、私はある程度そうできていますが、まだ成長しなくてはならないと強く自覚しています。私は自身と自分の能力に目が行きがちで神様に制限をかけがちです。何と愚かでしょう!もっともっと地に着いた信仰を持ち、自分の不信仰により神様に制限をかけるのではなく、むしろ信仰を持って行っていくべきでしょう。最近、私は私のメッセージに対する反応を望んでいます。それ自体は悪くはないでしょうが、大体同じようなものだと考え制限をかけないようにすべきでしょう。神様に制限はないのですから。神様のおっしゃることとあらば、私はどんなことでも努力をしますが、その結果は神様からのものであり、私の努力でないことを覚えておきたいものです。乙女のアリアは出産に関して努力はしていません。マリヤのように私も用いられ、神様を喜ばせご栄光を帰すために、私に召されたことを成したいと思います。
P: Father, thank You for how much You've been saying to me on this subject over the past few days. Help me do more than just give intellectual assent; help me make faithful obedience the very core of my life. I have wasted so much energy being anxious about one thing and another; help me rest in trust, refusing anxiety just as You have said so many times in the Bible. Help me indeed practice what I preach, living out the Word You have placed in me, so that all the devil's plans may be demolished and all of Your plans established, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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