

詩篇 57:2 私はいと高き方、神に呼ばわります。私のために、すべてを成し遂げてくださる神に。

Apparently the Hebrew lacks an object for the verb “fulfill” in this verse. The NIV supplies it by adding [His purpose] in brackets, while the Japanese simply sticks in “everything,” without indicating they have done so. Either is defensible as a translation technique, I think. The point of the verse is that David knew who he was crying out to, what sort of a being He was (and is). God isn't one who starts and doesn't finish, who promises but doesn't follow through. God is one who fulfills, who brings to completion. That's actually a very important part of His character. I think it was Oral Roberts who said, “God said it; I believe it; that settles it.” That expression became famous in Christian circles, but it actually can be improved: “God said it; that settles it.” Our faith governs our response to what God says, but it doesn't change whether God's statements are true and reliable. The New Testament is also full of statements of God's reliability. Many come to mind, but Philippians 1:6 has long been a favorite: “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” That's exactly the kind of faith David had, knowing that God completes what He starts.

この節では、ヘブル語の「成し遂げる」の目的語動詞が明らかに抜けています。それでNIVでは「神様の目的」という語がカギ括弧つきで加えてあります。一方日本語では具体的に示されてはいないながらも「すべてを」の語が入っています。どちらも翻訳テクニックを用いて難なく切り抜けていると思います。ここで大切なのは、ダビデはどなたに呼ばわっていたのか、どのような方だったのか(であるのか)を分かっていたことにあります。神が始め、終わらせるのではありません。約束はされましたが、実行はなさいません。神様は成し遂げるお方で、完成させるお方です。これは実は神様の御性質の大切な部分です。確か「神かく語りき、ゆえにわれ思う、万事なされし」と言ったのはOral Roberts だと思います。クリスチャンの間では有名な表現となっていますが、本当は「神かく語りき、ゆえに万事なされし」に改善されるべきでしょう。神様の言葉への反応は私たちの信仰によりますが、それで神様の言葉が真実であり信頼できるものであることに変わりはありません。新約聖書もまた、神様が信頼されるべきお方であることが沢山書かれています。多くの箇所が思い浮かびますが、ピリピ1:6「あなたがたのうちに良い働きを始められた方は、キリスト・イエスの日が来るまでにそれを完成させてくださることを私は堅く信じているのです。」が長い間、好きな聖句です。これこそ、神様は始められたことを完成されるお方だと知っていたダビデが持っていた信仰です。

Follow-through has actually been a point of distinct weakness for me. That's an area in which I still have a lot of room to grow to be like Jesus! We are all tempted to evaluate others, even God, on the basis of our own abilities and weaknesses. If we can't do something, we have trouble believing someone else could do it either. That can be a real hindrance in interpersonal relationships, but it's even more of a problem when we apply it to God. He has none of our weaknesses, but we have trouble really trusting that. Even though I have trouble at times in following through with my intentions and even my promises, I must never think that God is so limited. He is the one who fulfills. I need to trust that myself and proclaim it to others.


Father, thank You for Your perfect faithfulness. Thank You that You indeed fulfill all Your promises, just like Paul pointed out. (2 Corinthians 1:20) Help me be true to my word and follow through with all that You intend me to do, not depending on my own strength or ability but on You, being Your agent for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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