

詩篇 85:8 私は、主であられる神の仰せを聞きたい。主は、御民と聖徒たちとに平和を告げ、彼らを再び愚かさには戻されない。

I was touched by what this verse says in the NIV translation, and then I read the Japanese and discovered that it says something quite different. The English says, “I will listen,” the Japanese says, “I want to hear.” The middle part of the verse is essentially the same in the two languages, but the last part is where the big difference comes. Where the NIV expresses it as a warning, “but let them not return to folly,” the Japanese says, “He will not return them to folly.” The reason that's a big deal is that to me, the NIV is stressing the responsibility of the believers to be attentive to what God is saying and fulfill the conditions for His promises, while the Japanese is asking for God to do it all, with no responsibility on the part of His people. That bothers me because in my experience and conviction, whereas all the power is in God's hands and He is indeed loving and gracious, He is very much a God of righteousness, and He requires repentance. We are quick to seize on various Biblical promises and ignore the conditions that are clearly stated. To me, in the NIV at any rate, this verse is a good example of that. God promises (the Japanese says “proclaims”) peace to His people, but if they want that peace, they've got to quit acting foolishly. The Bible is clear in its entirety that we can't receive the flow of God's blessings if we insist on clinging to our sin.


To me this is a vitally important point, but it's not an easy one to get across all the time. Actions have consequences, but that's not the same as the Buddhist teaching of karma, because God is real, He is personal, and He is gracious and loving. I need the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit to be able to communicate what grace is and what it is not. Paul had the same struggle, as he expressed in Romans. Where sin is great, grace is even greater, but that's no excuse for sin. (Romans 5:20- 6:2, 6:15-16) This whole issue is difficult to grasp because of poor parenting, I think. Parents should model unconditional love along with clear guidelines and discipline, but that happens all too seldom. That's why Biblical teaching on parenting is potent pre-evangelism: those who have been raised properly by their human fathers are well prepared to respond properly to their Heavenly Father. I have no wisdom or power to do this on my own, so I've got to stay sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit at all times.


Father, at times I feel overwhelmed by the task of communicating the good news of Your kingdom to those who have no ears to hear, no background to understand. Thinking about it, that's what Moses faced too, not to mention many other of Your servants throughout the Bible. Help me not give up, but rather keep depending on You and allow You to use me, so that Your purposes may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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