詩篇 89:15-16 幸いなことよ、喜びの叫びを知る民は。主よ。彼らは、あなたの御顔の光の中を歩みます。彼らは、あなたの御名をいつも喜び、あなたの義によって、高く上げられます。
I find myself yet again wanting a Hebrew scholar on hand to help me grasp the original text, because the nuances are certainly different in English and Japanese. In verse 15, the Japanese says “those who have learned the shout of joy,” while the English says “those who have learned to acclaim You.” Given the overall context, it seems probable that the Japanese is closer to being a literal translation but the English is inferring the reason for the joy. Verse 16, however, actually changes the meaning, because the Japanese says “They are lifted high by Your righteousness,” while the English says “They exult in Your righteousness.” The one is a concrete thing God does for us, while the other is merely a response to God's character. I selected these two verses because of the thought in the English that it is a blessed thing to praise God, but I find that I am more moved by the thought in the Japanese that it is God's righteousness that lifts us high, not our own effort or righteousness. It is precisely because God is so gracious and loving that we praise Him, and praising Him increases our appreciation for all He does and puts us squarely in the flow of His blessings. That is a blessed thing indeed!
I have known since childhood that singing to God is a blessed thing, but I have certainly entered into a deeper dimension of praise and worship since then. Songs can be Christian, and even be in the hymnal, and yet be neither praise nor worship. Prayerful consideration will show that a lot of songs sung in churches are man-centered, and touch on God only peripherally. When praise becomes truly blessed is when the focus is fully on God. As long as we are focused on ourselves, we won't be lifted high by His righteousness. I need to remember that personally, and I need to be active in moving this church toward true Christ-centeredness, not just in what and how we sing but in every area.
Father, thank You for this reminder. Thank You that Cathy won't be here this coming Sunday so that the other musicians, and hopefully the whole congregation, will be encouraged to think more about their participation in the worship service. Help us all lift our eyes to You and worship You in spirit and in truth as a body, so that it will spill over into individual and lifestyle worship for each believer, for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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