第1コリント 3:9-22
S: 第1コリント 3:16 あなたがたは神の神殿であり、神の御霊があなたがたに宿っておられることを知らないのですか。
O: The implications of this verse are both manifold and powerful, and many of the problems in the Church today come from the fact that in many cases, the honest answer to Paul's question is No. The particular issue Paul is addressing in the passage overall is stewardship. The pronouns he uses are plural, which isn't obvious in English, so he is talking particularly here about the corporate Church, but in 6:15 he states unequivocally that our physical bodies are part of the Body of Christ, so what we do with them and how we take care of them is of great importance. The problem is two-sided: we have to understand and believe that we are part of the Body of Christ, the temple of His Spirit, and we have to fear God enough that this understanding affects everything we do. I think the second half of that is the bigger problem. As the Bible says repeatedly, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but we are a foolish tribe indeed. God doesn't want us cowering in terror before Him, but that will happen in the Judgment for all who have not committed themselves to Christ already. What He is after, and what we need, is a strong respect for Him that understands that it is only by grace that we can stand before Him. Once we have that, the issue becomes understanding that we are collectively and individually the dwelling place of this holy, omnipotent God. It is clear that understanding is lacking in many Christians and churches today!
O: この節の意味合いは多様性に富み、かつ、力強いものです。パウロは、ここで質問していますが、率直に言ってその答えはノーです。これが、今日、多くの教会に見られる問題のは原因です。この節でパウロが語っている問題は従う人としての在り方です。ここで使われている代名詞は複数ですが、英語では、はっきりとしていません。彼は、ここで特に教会全体について語ってるのですが、6:15では、明確に、肉体としての体もキリストの体の一部であると述べています。ですから、私たちがそのことに、どう対処し、どうか関わるかが、大変重要になってきます。この問題は、二つの側面を持っています。私たちがキリストの体の一部であることを理解し、信じなくてはならないことと、それが私たちの全てに影響を与えることを知り、神様を恐れることです。後者が、より大きな問題だと私は思います。聖書が何度も繰り返し教えているように、神様を恐れることが知恵の始まりです。ですが、私たちは本当に愚かな生き物です。神様は私たちを、恐れさせ、縮こまらせたいのではありません。もっとも、それはキリストに従わなかった人への裁きの時に起こるでしょうが。神様が求めておられること、そして私たちに必要なことは、神様を心から敬うことです。そうすることによって、恵みによってのみ、神様の御前に立てるのです。一旦、それができたなら、私たちが集団としても個人としても、全能で聖なる神の住まいにいることを知るのです。今日、多くの教会とクリスチャンにこの理解がかけているのは明白です。
A: It is easy for me to point fingers here, but it is far more constructive for me to examine myself. I may not like some aspects of my physical body, but it is part of the Body of Christ and I need to treat it accordingly. That means appropriate nutrition, exercise, and rest. It doesn't mean pampering myself, though! On the corporate scale, particularly since I'm a pastor, it means seeing to it that the believers as a whole get fed the Word of God in ways they can absorb and utilize it, equipping them and encouraging them for ministry, without working them to death! I need to recognize and acknowledge God as God on every level, never thinking that I can accomplish anything by myself but believing and trusting that He can and will do whatever is called for in and through me.
P: Father, thank You for this word this morning. I feel very aware of my own inadequacy, and I thank You for that awareness. Help me also grasp Your grace and power, so that I won't draw back from any task because of my weakness, but rather will submit myself and rely completely on You, as a faithful servant, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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