第1コリント 15:1-11
S: 第1コリント 15:3-4 私があなたがたに最もたいせつなこととして伝えたのは、私も受けたことであって、次のことです。キリストは、聖書の示すとおりに、私たちの罪のために死なれたこと、また、葬られたこと、また、聖書の示すとおりに、三日目によみがえられたこと。
O: There is an enormous amount of truth available to us in the Bible, and there is no way we can absorb and appropriate it all instantly. Besides, some of what is written is open to various interpretations. If we focus on the peripheral issues we risk losing sight of what is most important, which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as planned by God the Father before the foundation of the world. (The fact that God planned it all is what Paul is referring to when he keeps saying, “according to the Scriptures.”) Later in his life Paul expressed the same truth without referring to Jesus' post-resurrection appearances the way he does here. (2 Timothy 2:8) The devil delights to divide Christians over unimportant issues. Paul is clear that anyone who denies the deity or the resurrection of Christ is not a Christian, which is why true Christian churches exclude some groups the world lumps in with Christianity. However, when churches split over splitting hairs, the devil is the only one who benefits.
O: 聖書には私たちに利用可能な真実が沢山あります。それらを全て直ちに吸収し、取り入れる方法はありません。加えて、書かれていることの幾つかは様々に解釈することが可能です。もし細部にこだわっていると、最も大切なことを見失ってしまう危険があります。世界が創造される前から、御父である神の計画で、イエス・キリストの死と葬り、復活を見失う危険です。(神様の計画であることは、パウロが繰り返し使っている「聖書によると」の言及から分かります。)この節のように、のちに、パウロはこの真実をイエスの復活後の出現に触れずに表現しています。(2テモテ2:8)些細なことでクリスチャンを分裂させようと悪魔は試みます。パウロはキリストの神性と復活を否定するものはクリスチャンでないと明言しています。ですから、真のキリスト者の教会は、世間ではクリスチャンとして受け入れらているグループを受け入れないのです。しかし、細かいことで教会同士が分裂しても、それは悪魔の益となるだけです。
A: This has been my position for a long time, which is why I have put such effort into creating and maintaining the local ministerial association. It is also why I have welcomed some people into this church with whom I have disagreed on some issues. However, I still have to be careful of my focus at all times, because the devil is a master of distraction. A church mission statement might seem abstract and unimportant, but nothing could be further from the truth. I need to be focused on the reality that we exist to give God glory through worship, fellowship, and sharing Him with others. On the 15th we will be having the first business meeting since formulating that statement, and our discussions need to keep that in focus so that we won't waste time or energy chasing rabbits.
P: Father, thank You again for all You are doing in this church and this city. I pray that we would all get with Your program, not in rivalry but in cooperation and mutual encouragement, so that the central truths of the Gospel may be communicated and received as widely as possible, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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