第2コリント 1:12-24
S: 第2コリント 1:20 神の約束はことごとく、この方にあって「しかり」となりました。それで私たちは、この方によって「アーメン」と言い、神に栄光を帰するのです。
O: It strikes me that, whereas all of God's promises are faithful and true, we have to agree with them, say Amen to them, to appropriate most of them. Some of His promises will be fulfilled whether we agree to them or not, but most of those we want to see fulfilled, the ones that pile blessing on blessing, have to be agreed to on our part. God had to send His Son to make these promises available to us, because apart from the atoning work of Christ on the cross, we have no standing whatsoever to receive anything good from God. That's why this verse says God's promises are “Yes” in Christ. Everything in the Bible is interrelated, which is why it's important that we read the whole Bible and keep reading it, because it's like a great circular staircase: we keep passing the same points, in one sense, but each time we do our understanding is deeper (or higher, depending on how you look at it), and we get more out of it. The Bible can be pretty wonderful the first time around, but it just keeps getting better and better as we allow it to become ingrained in us.
A: I have the enormous blessing of a huge head start on most people when it comes to reading the Bible, but I still have a long way yet to go in absorbing God's Word. That's something really to look forward to! I must never think that I have read the Bible enough, or that I have “mastered” it. I need to let it master me! God's Word is the expression of His will, just as we express our wills through words, and that is why Jesus is the Word of God, as John says in John 1. I desire to be a clear, undistorted expression of God's intent and character, so I need both to absorb His Word and live it out, not deceiving myself into thinking that head knowledge equals true agreement with the Word. As a pastor, my calling and passion is to impart to others the same love of God and His Word that I aspire to myself. It was a deeply moving, gratifying moment when during a Bible study a former alcoholic said that I was addicted to the Bible; he could tell because he knew from experience what addiction was. My desire is to share that addiction with as many people as possible!
A: 聖書を読むことに関して、私は始めから大変恵まれていました。しかし、それでも、神様の御言葉を吸収するには長い道のりがいります。それもまた楽しいことです。聖書を十分に読んできたとか、「マスターした」などと思うことのないように気をつけます。むしろ私が「マスターされた」と言う風に捉えるべきです。丁度、私たちが言葉を通して意思を現すのと同じで、神様の御言葉は神様の御意思です。だからこそ、ヨハネ1にあるようにイエスは神の言葉なのです。私の望みは、神様の御心と御性質を明確に、そのまま表す器になることです。知識だけで御言葉と真に一致したなどと思い惑わされないように、神様の御言葉を吸収しそのように生きたいのです。牧師として、私の召しは人に私と同じくで御言葉を愛し、わかってもらうことです。聖書クラスで、かつてアルコール依存症だった人が、今は聖書依存症になったことを話してくれた瞬間は、まさに深く感動し、感謝する瞬間でした。彼は自身の経験から依存症がどのようなものか分かっているからこそ、言えたことです。私はこうした依存症をもっと分かち合いたいと願っています。
P: Father, thank You for Your grace toward me. I did not choose to have parents and grandparents who were Bible scholars and committed disciples, but that is the heritage You gave me. Help me be a good steward of that heritage, passing it on to my spiritual children as well as my physical children, so that multitudes will have the fellowship with You that You desire, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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