ガラテヤ 5:1-15
S: Galatians 5:13 兄弟たち。あなたがたは、自由を与えられるため召されたのです。ただ、その自由を肉の働く機会としないで、愛をもって互いに仕えなさい。
O: This is most often used to refer to “the sins of the flesh,” as they are called – lust, gluttony, immorality and the like – but whereas it does apply there, the context is that of legalism and thinking you're better than someone else because you follow a particular rule. In the following verse Paul quotes what Jesus referred to as the Second , but not what He called the First Commandment. That's not to say that Paul didn't think loving God was most important, it's that he was saying that rules of behavior are covered by loving our neighbor properly. An American proverb says, “Your freedom to swing your fist stops at the tip of my nose.” That's the sort of thing Paul is talking about here. We need to consider how our attitudes and actions affect those around us, loving them with the love God has for us, so that we will freely and joyfully build them up rather than tear them down.
O: しばしば「肉の罪」と言う表現で呼ばれている箇所です。欲望、貪欲、不道徳などを指していますが、それ以外に、律法主義の中身と、律法に従っていることから来る優越意識も指しています。次の節でパウロはイエスが二番目の戒めとして述べたことを引用しています。一番目のものではありません。それは神を愛することが最も大切だとパウロが考えなかったからではありません。そうではなく、隣人を正しく愛することによって、規則による行いは網羅されるとパウロは言っているのです。アメリカに「怒りのこぶしを振り上げる意思はあなた次第だ」と言う内容の諺がありますが、パウロがここで話しているのは、これと同様の趣旨です。私たちの態度や行動が周りの人にどう影響を与えるかを熟考しましょう。神様の愛を持って人々を愛し接するようにしましょう。そうすれば破壊ではなく、自由に喜びを持って建て上げることができます。
A: This is the attitude I want to foster and grow in this church. We have had it, but the devil has worked overtime to tear it down, and we need to take it back! Just as I hate to be misunderstood, I need to be fully sensitive to others to prevent misunderstanding in either direction. I am not to be bound, tied in knots, when someone misunderstands me, but neither am I free to ignore the fact that misunderstanding has taken place. I need to stand firm against a spirit of misunderstanding and division, because such a spirit is certainly not holy! I need to operate in humility and love at all times, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.
A: この教会内で、こうした態度が成長し大きくなって欲しいと願っています。もうすでにあるのですが、悪魔が壊そうと邪魔をしています。ですから私たちは取り返さなくてはなりません!私は自分が誤解されるのは嫌なのですが、また私も誤解を防ぐめに人に対して敏感であるべきでしょう。人に誤解されるときに、縛られていたくはありませんし、そうした誤解があることを無視するしていたくもありません。誤解と分裂に対してしっかりと立ち向かいたいと思います。そうした霊は断じて聖いものではないからです!謙遜と常に愛をもって働きます。キリストの体が建て上げられるためにです。
P: Father, thank You yet again for all You are doing among us. Thank You for Brother Piro's sensitivity in relation to some things we haven't been doing right, and for his sharing that with me. Thank You for the message You're building in me to share with the flock on Sunday. I ask You to guide me in writing another letter to the person I have offended so deeply, even though the hurt arose from a complete misunderstanding. I pray that person would be able to receive my words and believe them, so that they will be set free from the bitterness that has bound them for so long. I ask that You enable me to stand firm against the spirit of misunderstanding that has been attacking us, so that it may flee and we be set free to grow as You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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