エペソ 4:1-6
S: エペソ 4:2-3 謙遜と柔和の限りを尽くし、寛容を示し、愛をもって互いに忍び合い、平和のきずなで結ばれて御霊の一致を熱心に保ちなさい。
O: Paul certainly said a mouthful here! This is a command, but the way he piles one word on another makes it very clear that it isn't going to be easy. Reading through the NT it is very clear that interpersonal relationships were often a problem. As I expressed at my friend's ordination a couple of months ago, church would be a lot easier if it didn't have any people in it! However, the Church is people, not buildings. Christ died for people, not programs and equipment. It should come as no surprise that the devil targets unity, between husband and wife, in families, in churches, and among nations. He hates it, because he rejected it in his desire for personal power and glory. Those who follow Christ must likewise follow His example, and that includes how Paul articulates it in this passage. We are to go to the limits of humility and gentleness with each other, demonstrating patience toward one another, and quite simply enduring one another in love. That requires a lot of effort, and a cold heart can't do it. However, the Holy Spirit is at work in and among us, and He's the one who can pull it off, bringing His peace and not some counterfeit.
A: Wow. Talk about hard-hitting and to the point! I need to let this sink into the depths of my being and put it into practice, rather than just paying it lip service. I cannot point any fingers at others for disunity if I'm not willing to go all the way for unity myself. It is clear that I don't have the wisdom or skill to generate unity on my own; I've got to depend on the Holy Spirit. In our woundedness we value what we see as self-defense more than we value unity. I need to address people's wounds, but at the same time point them to Christ, lovingly refusing to let them wallow in self-centeredness and self pity.
P: Father, what I have just written makes me cry out to You for help! I see the need, and I also see my own inability. I ask You to have mercy on us and pour Your Spirit out upon us. Keep me from giving up on any individual or any relationship, and at the same time keep me from allowing difficulties to tear me down. Help me rely on You and find my peace and joy in You, whatever is going on around me. Thank You for every circumstance that drives me to You, that takes me to my knees in believing prayer. Thank You that Your plans for me and for this church are glorious, and that You will bring them to pass. Hallelujah!
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