

第2コリント 12:1-10

S: 第2コリント 12:9-10 しかし、主は、「わたしの恵みは、あなたに十分である。というのは、わたしの力は、弱さのうちに完全に現れるからである」と言われたのです。ですから、私は、キリストの力が私をおおうために、むしろ大いに喜んで私の弱さを誇りましょう。ですから、私は、キリストのために、弱さ、侮辱、苦痛、迫害、困難に甘んじています。なぜなら、私が弱いときこそ、私が強いからです。

O: This is so absolutely counter-intuitive that the words hardly sink into our awareness. We hear them, and on some level we understand them, but real understanding is far from us. What Paul is talking about, and what the Lord was talking about to Paul, is that as long as we are relying on what we see as our strength, we won't open up to allow God's power to flow through us. It goes without saying that God's power is infinitely greater than ours, but we have enormous difficulty letting go of what we see as our strength. Paul made it to that point, which is why handkerchiefs that he had used could be taken to sick people and they got well. God does not share His glory with another, so as long as we are saying, I'm going to do it, God is going to hold back His power. It is only when there is no question in us as to where the power comes from and who gets the glory that God is really going to act. That's why awareness of weakness is one of the greatest blessings.

O: この御言葉はあまりに直観に反しすぎていて、あまり心に中に沁み込みません。私たちは聞いて、ある程度なら理解できますが、真の理解には程遠いようです。パウロが語っていること、主がパウロについて語っておられることは、つまりこういうことです。私たちが自分の強さに頼っている限り、神様のみ力に心を開けず、私たちを通してその力が注ぎ出されないということです。言うまでもなく、神様の力は人間の力などより、無限に偉大ですが、私たちは自分の力(そう思い込んでいる)を手放すことに苦慮しています。パウロの使った手拭いで病の人がいやされたことを例に挙げてパウロは教えています。私たちが「自分で何とかできるさ」と言っている限り、神様はご栄光を分かち合っては下さらずに、力を控えてしまわれるのです。力がどこから来るのか、そして栄光は誰のものかを分かった時にのみ、神は真に働いてくださるのです。ですから、弱さを知ることはとても大きな祝福なのです。

A: This has been a major issue for me much of my life. I have been given a large and assorted grab-bag of abilities, of which I have been a very imperfect steward. It has taken far too long for me to realize on the deepest level that these are all from God and aren't anything to take personal pride in. They have gotten me through all sorts of situations, but I have tended to rely on the gifts instead of the Giver. I desire that God work through me for the deliverance, healing, and salvation of many, but it's entirely possible that the reason I haven't seen much of that is that I've thought I was too qualified! No amount of gifting qualifies anyone to be a vessel of God's power, and I've got to remember that. It has become a cliché, but it is still true that God doesn't need our ability, He needs our availability. Like Paul, I need to rejoice in my weakness so that I can rejoice in God's strength.


P: Father, thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You for putting me in situations where my gifting isn't up to the task, so that I will rely on You. I feel that most strongly in dealing with difficult people in the church, and my inner response is to want to run and hide. Help me rather rejoice at the opportunity for You to display Your grace and power through my weakness and inability, so that I won't allow the devil to rob me of my peace and joy. Help me indeed trust Your love, as You told me personally to do, so that all Your plans involving me may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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