

エペソ 3:14-21

S: エペソ 3:20-21 どうか、私たちのうちに働く力によって、私たちの願うところ、思うところのすべてを超えて豊かに施すことのできる方に、教会により、またキリスト・イエスにより、栄光が、世々にわたって、とこしえまでありますように。アーメン。

O: I suppose it only stands to reason, since it is “more than we can imagine,” but a lot of Christians have trouble believing what this passage says. We are experts at trying to put God in a box! Of course He won't fit. Atheists, and some agnostics, insist that man “creates” God in his own image, that God is nothing more than a product of our imaginations. They certainly haven't encountered the God Paul is talking about here!
A particular point that many people choke on is the idea that God's power is at work in us. The very idea makes some people uncomfortable, whereas other people simply feel they could never be worthy of God's power working in them. Is clay worthy of the potter working with it? That's an image God used in explaining spiritual reality to Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 18) God delights to work with and in those who are yielded to Him, but He is less delighted with those who are stubborn and resistant!

O: 「思うところのすべてを超えて」とあるので、全く理に適ったことだと思いますが、多くのクリスチャンがこの節の謂わんとすることを分からないでいます。私たちは神様を何か概念のようなものとして捉えたがります。しかし、神様がそのようなことに収まるはずがありません。無神論者、不可知論者は神様を人間に似せてイメージして「創った」と主張します。単なる人間の創造の産物としてしか見ていません。ここでパウロが語っているような神様と彼らはまだ出会っていないのです。神様の力が私たちのうちに働いているという考えに多くに人が息が詰まりそうになります。不愉快にさせられる人もいれば、神様の力が自分たちの内に働いているといいう事実に、単純に自分が価しないと感じる人もいます。粘土は陶器師の仕事に値するのでしょうか?これは神が霊的事実を説明するためにエレミヤに使ったイメージです。(エレミヤ18)神は御自分に服する人を喜ばせるために働かれます。しかし、頑固で反抗的な人にはあまり喜ばれません。

A: I am continuing to grow in my own appreciation of this truth, and I have a constant struggle to get it through to the believers. That's where I really need God's power working in me! I certainly know from my own experience how quick we are to focus on our circumstances and decide nothing can be done, and that is the opposite of faith. Jesus said repeatedly that faith makes everything possible. (Matthew 17, Mark 11, etc.) I give that lip service, and yet I still tend to write situations and people off. I need to lift my eyes, just as I tell others to do!


P: Father, thank You for this reminder, and for what You have been allowing me to experience recently to drive this truth home to me. When things look difficult, help me rejoice in You, because the more impossible things seem, the more glory You receive when Your solution is manifested. There is no limit to the things in my life for which I can't see the solutions, but there's nothing that is beyond Your understanding and power. Help me rest in that assurance and rejoice in You, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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