第1コリント 9:1-23
S: 第1コリント 9:16 というのは、私が福音を宣べ伝えても、それは私の誇りにはなりません。そのことは、私がどうしてもしなければならないことだからです。もし福音を宣べ伝えなかったら、私はわざわいだ。
O: I don't know that there are any private statements of Paul with which I agree more than this one! The point is, when you have a commission from God for any task, failing to do that task is punishment, not to mention difficult! When God gifts and commissions someone for something, they are really at peace only when they are doing it. This applies to artists and craftsmen and musicians and teachers and homemakers and every sort of occupation, as well as to preachers. A big problem in the world is the large percentage of people who have no idea what their gifting is and what God intends for them to do with it, and therefor have no real peace and satisfaction and sense of purpose in their lives. The devil wants us to think that our purpose is to feel good and have fun, when nothing could be further from the truth. “Feeling good” and “having fun” will have different definitions for each person, but real satisfaction comes from exercising our gifts in obedience to God.
O: パウロの私的な言葉の中で、この節ほど私が共感できるものはありません!大切なのは、神からどんな仕事を与えられても、やらないならば、それは罰に値するということ
A: I can say with Stuart Briscoe, if anyone doesn't think I'm a preacher, they should sit down and listen! I can't help preaching. That can be a problem at times, when I let that get in the way of listening; it's certainly not something for me to get puffed up about. The point for me, as for everyone, is to do the best job I can with the tools and the task the Lord has given me. Practically speaking, it is a difficulty that my gifting/calling is very visible, so some people interpret my exercising my gifting as conceit from the outset. I can't help that, but I can walk in active humility and submission, knowing that I am just as much a servant as the person who cleans the toilets. Actually, that particular issue has been a problem in attitudes within this church. I need the help of the Holy Spirit to help everyone understand that each gift is a tool for serving God and serving one another.
A: もし私が牧師だと誰も知らないなら、Stuart Briscoeと一緒に人々に向かって、座って話を聞くように言うでしょう。説教をせずにはいられないのです。彼らが聞いてくれても私が格別誇ることではありません。これが時に問題となります。私にも、すべての人にとっても、主から与えられた仕事を与えられた道具を使い、最高の仕事をすることが大切です。現実的に言って、私の賜物と召しがあまりにもはっきりしているので、私が賜物を行使することを初めから鼻持ちならないと思っている人がいます。私にはどうしようもないことです。進んで謙遜と従順を持って歩みたいと思います。トイレ掃除と変わらない精神を持って奉仕します。実は、この教会内で、態度の在り方について問題があります。聖霊様の助けを求めます。互いの賜物は神様を互いのためにあることを知ってもらうために。
P: Father, I come back to the awareness that I'm not wise, You are. I ask for the wisdom I need to do the tasks You set for me, and to understand what those tasks are, so that I won't burden myself with tasks You haven't given me. Help me be faithful on every level, so that Your purposes may be fulfilled in and through me, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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