エペソ 1:15-23
S: エペソ 1:17 どうか、私たちの主イエス・キリストの神、すなわち栄光の父が、神を知るための知恵と啓示の御霊をあなたがたに与えてくださいますように。
O: Once again we have an incredibly rich, very involved passage that is very hard to extract one verse from. It takes the help of the Holy Spirit to grasp it all, so this verse is a very appropriate one to consider as representative. Jesus said clearly that no one could come to Him unless the Father drew him (John 6:44), so as we pray for people's salvation we need to ask for God to do the work. It is the Holy Spirit who works in hearts, so exactly as this verse says, we need to pray that God will pour His Spirit out on people. Both wisdom and revelation are involved. We can't know God unless He reveals Himself to us, but often when He does so, we are too foolish to interpret the revelation correctly so that we know Him better. The foundation for the wisdom we need to know God is the deep awe and respect the Bible is talking about when it keeps admonishing us to “fear God.” Without such an attitude toward Him we will never know Him correctly, because He is not only love, He is a consuming fire. (1 John 4:8, Hebrews 12:29, quoting Deuteronomy 4:24)
A: I'm preaching on the fear of the Lord tomorrow, but it would be futile to do so without praying for the help of the Holy Spirit, for me and for my hearers. We really are incredibly dense when it comes to spiritual things, which are the things that matter. We've got to have the help of the Holy Spirit in order to understand any of it correctly, so that's what I need to pray for. I regularly do that at the beginning of each message, but that must not be simply an automatic pattern; it must be the cry of my heart. Even if by my oratory and logic I were able to convince someone of some facts about Christ (not likely), it would make no real difference in their heart and life without the help of the Holy Spirit. I need to make this verse, and the ones following, my constant prayer, so that together we may grow in our knowledge and obedience, for God's pleasure and glory.
A: 私は主を恐れることを明日のメッセージで話すつもりですが、私も、聞く人も、聖霊の助けを祈らないならば、無益です。重要な事柄である霊的なことに関して私たちはひどく愚鈍です。ですから正しく理解するためには聖霊の助けが必要で、そのために私は祈らなくてはなりません。私は毎回メッセージの始めに祈りますが、ただ機械的にパターン化して祈るのは好ましくありません。心の奥底からの叫びであるべきです。私の話とロジックであっても、キリストについて幾ばくかを確信させることができるでしょう。それも聖霊の助けなしでは聞く人の心と生き方に何の違いももたらさないでしょう。今日の節と次の節をいつも祈っているようにしたいと思います。そして神様の喜びとご栄光のために、私たちが知識と従順でともに成長できますように。
P: Father, thank You for this reminder. There is so much that I know but don't practice fully! Keep me from fooling myself, as James says. Rather help me put into practice all of Your Word that is in me. You have blessed me with an incredible spiritual heritage, just as this passage is talking about; help me walk in it and live it out, drawing many more people into Your kingdom and building up the believers, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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