エペソ 4:17-32
S: エペソ 4:32 お互いに親切にし、心の優しい人となり、神がキリストにおいてあなたがたを赦してくださったように、互いに赦し合いなさい。
O: Our attitude toward one another boils down to our appreciation of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. It is impossible to both love God and hate your brother simultaneously, as John says very clearly (1 John 4:20). Failure to love God indicates a failure to understand and appreciate God's love for us, that caused Him to send His Son and through that Son provide redemption, salvation, and all the riches of glory. Thinking back to yesterday's passage, spiritual maturity comes from a growing understanding of God's love and appropriation of all that He has provided in Christ into every area of our lives. It's much like marriage. When I married Cathy over 40 years ago I thought I loved her, and I was quite sincere in that. However, through years of discovering what it is to live love out in hard times as well as easy, when we see eye to eye and when we don't, my love has grown to a depth and level that I could only imagine back then. I had the blessing of growing up with parents who made the hard choices and grew in their love, so from their example I could imagine it and take it as a goal, but for my love to become mature I had to walk it out in every area of my life. In the same way, when we come to Christ our commitment is sincere (or we haven't really come to Him), but there is enormous room to grow. God sees to it that we have many opportunities to grow in that commitment, allowing us to experience all sorts of things we might not choose, but which have the potential of taking us deeper and deeper in our understanding of Him and higher and higher in our joy. One of the chief areas for that is our interaction with the people around us. We will grate on other people and they will grate on us. How we respond to that has a massive impact on our spiritual growth, because closing our hearts to one another closes our hearts to God. What Paul is saying in this verse isn't optional!
O: 私たちの互いに対する態度は、突き詰めれば、イエス・キリストにあって私たちのためにしてくださった神様への感謝へと同じことです。神を愛しながら兄弟を憎むことは不可能です。これはヨハネが(1ヨハネ4:20)ではっきりと教えているとおりです。神様が私たちを愛するがゆえ、罪の贖いのために、救いのために、すべての豊かな栄光のために、一人子を送ってくださったのです。その神様を愛せないことは、神が私たちのためにしてくださったことを理解できず、感謝できていなことを示しています。昨日の箇所に戻りますが、霊的な成熟は神様の愛を理解し、私たちの全ての分野にキリストを備えてくださった神様に感謝することから生まれます。ちょうど結婚のようなものです。40年以上、前にキャシーと結婚したときに、彼女を愛していると思いましたが、本当に心からそう思いました。しかし、楽な時に愛すること、困難な時に愛することを時を経て分かりました。互いに目と目を合わせる時、そうでない時、結婚当時に想像でしかできなかったレベルと深さに愛が成熟しているのが分かります。困難な選択をし、愛して育ててくれた両親を持つ私は祝福を受けています。両親を手本として、愛を思うことができ、目標にできます。そのためには、人生のあらゆる場面で成熟した愛を持って歩んでいくべきです。同様に、キリストに献身するなら心からのものであるべきです。(そうでないなら、本当にキリストの元にあるとは言えません)それには大きく成長していかねばなりません。神様は、献身に相応しくなるように沢山の機会を与えてくださっています。私たちが選ばずとも、あらゆる経験を下さっているのです。神様をより深く理解し、より大きく喜べるようにです。その最たる例は周囲の人との関わり方です。周囲の人に対して不快な態度をとれば、それは自分自身に対して不快な態度を取っているのです。反応の仕方如何で、霊的成長に大きな影響を及ぼすのです。なぜなら、互いに心を閉ざすことは神様に心を閉ざすことだからです。パウロがここで教えていることは必須なのです!
A: Once again the Lord has spoken to where I am, and His words are clear. I've got to walk this out and insist on it. The difficulty comes in getting this through to others, because only the Holy Spirit can accomplish that. I've got to be fully submitted and available to Him so that my words and actions will be useful to Him in communicating God's truth in God's love. Sometimes love calls for discipline, just as God disciplines us, but I must be very careful that my words and actions aren't reflections of personal pain, because that will only multiply the pain, as I have certainly seen in many situations. I must not be on a high horse looking down on anyone, but I also must not draw back from exercising the authority God has given me to build people up.
P: Father, I get so mad at the devil and his deceptions. It is certainly clear that he is out to kill, steal, and destroy! Show me how to stand firm against him, not yielding to him any part of my heart and life nor any part of this church. Thank You for the things You are doing. Help me trust You, even when the next step seems totally dark. May all of Your plans for me and for this church be fulfilled, on Your schedule and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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