

エペソ 2:11-22

S: Ephesians 2:15-16 このことは、二つのものをご自身において新しいひとりの人を造り上げて、平和を実現するためであり、また、両者を一つのからだとして、十字架によって神と和解させるためなのです。敵意は十字架によって取り去られました。

O: Interpersonal conflict has been a problem since the creation of mankind, and God had to do something really radical to deal with it. Paul is applying the cross of Christ here to the wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, which was the big issue in his day, but it applies to every wall that divides people, one group from another and one individual from another. Divisions disappear when we realize how great the love of God is and how far He has gone to reach out to us. When we focus on ourselves, our rights, pride, preferences or whatever, the divisions remain and even get stronger. It is only when we lift our eyes to the Cross that we recognize those points of division for how insignificant they really are.

O: 対人関係の対立は人間が創造されて以来の問題ですが、神様はそのことに関してとても根源的な方法で対処されました。ここでは、パウロはユダヤ人と異邦人との間にある敵意を表すのに、キリストの十字架を挙げています。当時はユダヤ人と異邦人と問題は大きなものでした。しかし、ここでパウロが例にとっているのは人々、集団、個人を分裂させている全ての壁についてです。神様の愛の大きさ、どれほど神様が私たちに手を差し伸べておられるかに気づくなら分裂などは消え去ってしまいます。自分自身、プライド、好みなどに焦点を合わせていると、分裂が続き、大きくさえなるでしょう。目を十字架に向けてこそ、分裂がどれほどつまらないことかに気がつくことでしょう。

A: I am in a constant struggle with this issue as a non-Japanese in Japan, a Christian in a thoroughly secular/pagan culture. Frankly, sometimes I just want to give up. I've got to keep my eyes on Christ, not only on what He endured on Calvary but also on what He endured during His ministry before that, when even His own siblings rejected Him. I must not let the cultural and interpersonal conflicts pull me down, but rather remember that Jesus has already been through it all and emerged victorious, and His victory is mine. The whole issue of cultural conflict is a very difficult one: how do I be true to who I am without coming across as a cultural imperialist? I have no wisdom for the issue, which is all the more reason to look to and depend on God.


P: Father, thank You for yesterday and all it held. Thank You for Miho's beautiful testimony and baptism, and that her mother came for the service. Thank You for all who participated in the decoration of the church building and the dinner afterward. Thank You for those who didn't participate, for whatever reason. Help me learn the lessons You teach me well enough to apply them, and not just think, I've heard this before. You are doing good things here, and all sorts of junk is getting stirred up in the process. I ask Your grace and mercy for everyone in this church, that we would all learn to lift our eyes to Jesus and let the walls collapse, for our mutual blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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