

第1コリント 15:35-58

S: 第1コリント 15:58 ですから、私の愛する兄弟たちよ。堅く立って、動かされることなく、いつも主のわざに励みなさい。あなたがたは自分たちの労苦が、主にあってむだでないことを知っているのですから。

O: This is a very fitting wrap-up to the discussion of death and resurrection that precedes it. The “blessed hope,” as Paul calls it in Titus 2:13, of resurrection/transformation at the return of Christ is real and important, but if we are too focused on that we may fail to apply ourselves to the task at hand. Sometimes we really need to remind ourselves that our labors will be rewarded, and all the limitations and frustrations of our present bodies/existence will pass, but meanwhile we need to be faithful with what we have in our hands. The devil spends a lot of time trying to tell us our lives and work have no lasting value, but because he says it, we know that's a lie! If we are working strictly in our own strength, there is indeed no lasting benefit. However, if we are abiding in Christ and allowing His Spirit to work in and through us, there is no limit to what can be accomplished, in this earth and for eternity.


A: It surprised me a little last night when Pastor Nabekura exclaimed so over the baptisms we are having here. We aren't having as many as I would like, but to hear him tell it, we're having a lot more than most churches. It really is a comfort to be able to do some harvesting! Each soul is precious, and represents input from various people who have been faithful as witnesses. However, realizing that this makes four in one year in a church as small as we are, that's a real encouragement! I need to keep my focus on abiding in Christ, in fellowship and obedience, and never draw back from anything He asks me to do.


P: Father, thank You again for all You are doing here. Thank You for the sharp awareness that it's not my doing, and thank You for using me in the process in spite of me! Finding out the congregational and choral music for the City Christmas program is dumped in my lap is a bit of a shock, but there, too, You will be faithful. Guide in that first rehearsal today, brief though it will be, that we will have the numbers and the enthusiasm and the ability that You desire, so that the finished result will indeed draw people to You, for Your glory. Keep me from coming across as full of myself but rather full of You, for the blessing of all. Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness. Praise God!


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