ガラテヤ 2:15-21
S: ガラテヤ 2:21
O: When I saw a closing quotation mark at the end of this verse I was confused, but I traced it back to verse 14, and understood for the first time that all of this is what Paul said to Peter when he was correcting him for avoiding the Gentile Christians in Antioch after some Jewish Christians had showed up from Jerusalem. Realizing that actually makes the whole passage easier to understand. I feel like Paul was perhaps being a little self-righteous in his response to Peter, but the point certainly needed to be made, and preserved as Scripture. Peter himself later agreed with that, when he put Paul's letters on the same plane with the OT. (2 Peter 3:16) The point Paul was making is that grace is grace, and there is no other way we can possibly be accepted by God. It's amazing, actually, how hard it is to get this through to many people. We so want to be able to take pride in our salvation, when pride is the greatest single obstacle to salvation. As Paul says in this verse, if there were any hope at all of our becoming genuinely righteous through observing a law, no matter how perfect that law might be, then there would have been no reason for Christ to die on the cross. It's because every last one of us is a hopeless case that God sent His Son, and Jesus died in our place so that we might be saved.
O: この節の終わりが、かぎ括弧で括ってあるのを見て混乱しました。14節まで戻って、パウロがペテロに語ったことだと初めて気がつきました。エルサレムからユダヤ人が現れた後、アンテオケで異邦人のクリスチャンを避けたことを正そうとしてパウロがペテロの語ったことです。それが分かって、この部分がより理解できるようになりました。パウロは恐らくペテロに対して、少々自己正義的な反応をしていたようですが、要点はそのまま聖書に記録されています。ペテロがパウロの手紙に旧約聖書と同様の文面を見い出し、ペテロも後に賛同しています。パウロは恵みは恵みであり、それ以外に神様に受け入れらる方法はないと教えています。とても驚くことです。実際、多くの人に分からせるのは困難です。ですから、私たちは救いについて誇ることができるのです。たとえプライドが救いの唯一最大の障害だとしてもです。ここでパウロが教えているように、律法を守ることで真に義となれる希望があるならば、どれほど律法が完全であろうとも、キリストが十字架で死なれる理由はなかったことになります。
A: I have certainly had my difficulties in getting this through to people! The Gospel sounds too good to be true, which is why it takes child-like faith to receive it. Adults get suspicious and want to know what the catch is. Actually, from a human perspective you could say there is a catch: God wants all of us in exchange for eternal life. However, as anyone who has made that exchange can testify, that is no real sacrifice. As Nate Saint said, years before he was martyred, “He is no fool who gives what he can't keep to gain what he can't lose.” I must not give up communicating the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit to everyone who will listen, so that as many as will may be saved.
P: Father, thank You for Your grace toward me and for the privilege of communicating that grace to others. Thank You for the harvest we have had this year, and for the awareness that I can take pride in none of it. I pray that as Miho is baptized this coming Sunday that it would be a powerful witness to others as well, helping to push them past the “tipping point” so that they too commit themselves to Christ. Thank You for all You are doing here to transform us, individually and as a body, into the likeness of Your Son. May we cooperate with that transformation with diligence and joy, so that all of Your purposes for us may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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