エペソ 3:1-13
S: エペソ 3:12 私たちはこのキリストにあり、キリストを信じる信仰によって大胆に確信をもって神に近づくことができるのです。
O: Of all the things we have in Christ and by faith in Him, this is perhaps the most precious, and the one on which all the others are founded. Apart from Christ, in legal terms we have no right to approach or address the bench, as they say in court. We are guilty, and that's the end of the story. However, once we have believed, we are incorporated in Christ and are knit together with Him, enabling us to come to God with the boldness and assurance that Jesus has. That's saying a mouthful! The whole subject of prayer, of consciously drawing close to God, is worthy of a lifetime of study, but it starts with the simple realization that we can do it, that in Christ the way is open and never closed, and God is listening with love and acceptance. That's certainly not to say we aren't to be careful of how we live, or that we don't need to repent of sins as soon as we are aware of them, but it is to say that the only condition for drawing close to God is faith in and commitment to His Son.
O: 私たちの持っているものは全てキリストと信仰によるのですが、恐らくその中でも最も尊く、他の全ての基礎となっている御言葉でしょう。法律的に言うならば、キリストを離れて裁判に臨む権利はありません。私たちは有罪であり、それで話は終わりです。しかし、いったんキリストを信じ、キリストに組み入れられ、ともに縫い合わされるならば、確信を持ち、大胆に神の元に行くことができます。とても重要な言葉です。祈り、意識して神に近づくことは一生をかけて学ぶに値するテーマですが、そのためには、まず、キリストにあっては道が閉ざされているのではなく、開かれていること、神が愛と受容であることに気づくことです。どういう生き方をしても構わないと言っているのではありません。罪に気がついたなら直ちに悔い改めなくともよいと言っているのでもありません。ただ、神に近づくための唯一の条件は一人子への信仰と献身です。
A: This is a truth I've been steeped in from birth, so to speak, but I still stumble at times, becoming anxious rather than immediately turning to my heavenly Father with every issue. As a pastor, getting this truth through to people is one of my highest priorities, and it's one I can't hope to fulfill without the help of the Holy Spirit. As we've read recently, He's the one who teaches us to call God, Daddy. That's because He's the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Son! Every problem in interpersonal communication, every issue in the church, is solved through the presence and work of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, I need to devote myself to prayer and teaching so that every believer may open up fully to the Spirit, allowing Him to fill, heal, cleanse and use them.
A: この真実に私は生まれた時から浸っていますが、躓き、心配し、すべての問題を天の父に委ねることができない時があります。この真実を人に分からせるのが牧師としての最優先事項の一つですが、それも聖霊の助けなしでは達成できません。最近、読んだのですが、神を「お父さん」と呼ぶように教えたのは聖霊です。聖霊が御子イエス・キリストの霊なのですから!対人関係にまつわるコミュニケーションの全ての問題、この教会の全ての問題は、聖霊の臨在と働きによって解決されます。ですから、信者が聖霊に癒し、清めて、用いられるように十分、心を開くように、私は祈り、教えていきます。
P: Father, thank You for this Word this morning. Thank You for the time last night listening to Christian songs on the Internet, and for the deep comfort and encouragement You gave me through that. Help me devote myself to prayer indeed, praying without ceasing in the Holy Spirit, so that I may cooperate with and not get in the way of what You want to do here. There are many things I need to do today in terms of physical activity; help me stay in prayer throughout all of it, from the deep awareness that I can't do anything on my own, but nothing is impossible for Your. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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