

第1コリント 11:23-32

S: 第1コリント 11:31-32 しかし、もし私たちが自分を裁くなら、さばかれることはありません。しかし、私たちがさばかれるのは、主によって懲らしめられるのであって、それは、私たちが、この世とともに罪に定められることのないためです。

O: Here we have the fallacy of the “I'm OK, you're OK” school of psychology exposed. The fact of the matter is, we're not OK. We are sinful beings, and we must not ignore that. The Bible calls us to submit our hearts to the examination of the Holy Spirit and be quick to repent of each thing He shows us as unpleasing to the Father. If we will do that in this world, we won't have to deal with those issues in the next, when we stand before God's throne. The danger here is in legalism and unhealthy introspection. We aren't under law, we are under grace, but that is not at all the same thing as license. Paul had to spend a lot of time dealing with this issue in several of his letters, because we are so quick to twist things around. We aren't to dwell on past sins; that only increases the probability of our repeating them. We are to acknowledge sins and confess them before God, receive His forgiveness, and move on with His cleansing and blessing. That is true repentance, not moping around and beating yourself up over things that have already been confessed to God.


A: I've run into this more times than I could count, myself. When I exercise the stupidity of yielding to temptation, the devil wants me to wallow in that, not simply in the sin but in the self-condemnation that follows. Paul doesn't say we are to condemn ourselves, he says we are to judge ourselves. That's really hard to express clearly in Japanese, and that's a factor I hadn't thought about before. I need the wisdom and anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to get it across. The phrase the Japanese Bible uses for “condemn”really doesn't carry the meaning of the English word, and my understanding of the Greek is that it is similar to the English. At the moment I'm at a complete loss as to how to say it clearly in Japanese!

A: 私自身、この問題ともう何度も対峙してきました。誘惑に負けて愚かなことをした時、悪魔は私を罪だけでなく、あとから来る自責の念に襲わせます。この世ともに処罰されないのですから、パウロは私達が自身を罪定めして責めるべきだとは言っていません。自分自身を裁け、と教えているのです。これをはっきりとした日本語で表現するのは難しく、以前に考えたことがありませんでした。この御言葉を分かってもらうために、聖霊様の知恵と油注ぎが必要です。聖書の日本語「罪に定める」という言葉は英語の持つ意味を正確に伝え切れていません。私の理解では、ギリシャ語は英語に近いようです。今は日本語で明確にどう表現すべきか困っています。

P: Father, thank You for pointing out this real problem in communicating the Gospel to Japanese in Japanese. It's not that we aren't guilty, it's that we don't have to bear the punishment for our guilt: that guilt is taken away by the cross of Jesus Christ. Help me express that to each person I witness to, so that they may be set free from the dual lies of “My sin doesn't matter,” and “I must atone for my own sin.” The reality of Your salvation in Christ Jesus is so mind-boggling, and there is so little foundation in Japanese culture for understanding it! Help me get past all those barriers so that I may bring as many people as possible into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

P: お父様。日本人に日本語で福音をつたえるために真の問題を指摘してくださり感謝します。私たちは有罪ですが、罪のための刑罰を受けなくて良いのです。その罪はイエス・キリストの十字架で消えたのですから。一人ひとりにこの事実を言い表せるように助けてください。「私の罪など大したことはない」「私自身の罪を自分で購わなくては」という二重の嘘から彼らが解放されますように。キリスト・イエスにある救いの事実は驚くばかりです。そしてこの事実を理解するために土台が日本の文化にはありません!

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